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一块田的植株可以被蚜虫盖满。A field may be smothered with aphids.

植株生长势旺,抗逆性强。Plant growth power, strong resistance.

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胡萝卜是其植株的主根。A carrot is the taproot of a carrot plant.

将植株较大的仙人掌种在花园的后部。Plant large cacti at the back of the garden.

我闻闻泥土的气味,嗅着折伤的植株。I smell the earth, I smell the bruised plant.

植株生长势中强,抗性较强,易坐果。The plant is vigorous with disease resistance.

植株10-40厘米高,颜色由绿变红。Plants 10 – 40 cm tall, green becoming reddish.

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再生植株表现卡那霉素抗性。Transgenic plant show up response to Kanamycin.

少数植株成小丛生长。A few plant individuals grow in small caespitose.

相反,它们对感染植株青睐有加。Rather, they strongly preferred the infected ones.

顶芽将生长素释放至植株茎部。The buds release this hormone down the plant stem.

标题金花茶植株形态学的研究。The study on the morphology of Camellia chrysantha.

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从共培养到转化植株的获得只需6—7周。Rooted transformants could be obtained in 6—7 weeks.

这是分枝植株的主茎上长出的侧枝。It. s the lateral shoot from the main stem of a plant.

早熟,植株生长稳健,开花至成熟26-28天。Early maturity, 26-28 days from flowering, stable vigor.

花两性的或植株功能上为雌雄异株。Flowers hermaphroditic or plants functionally dioecious.

为星状的或分叉毛所覆盖的植株身体。Plant body covered with stellate or ramified indumentum.

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用植物的枝丫培养新植株也是一种克隆。Growing a plant from a cutting is also a form of cloning.

合果芋的叶型会随著植株的年老而变化。The leaf shapes of Arrowhead vine will change by its age.

该品种植株生长势强,花球高圆形,洁白,紧实,品质好。Its curd is high round with white, tight and good quality.