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在高原建立一个兵营。Build a Barracks on your plateau.

在高原建立一个兵营和寺庙。Build a Barracks and Temple on your plateau.

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阿齐齐亚兵营的失守是一个转折点。Top of the barracks, fell is a turning point.

士兵们在兵营练兵场操练。The soldiers were at drill in the barrack-yard.

导弹摧毁了一个美军兵营。The missile destroyed an American Army barracks.

那个兵营位于古城堡的旧址上。The barracks stand on the site of the old castle.

在这个楚河汉界道具仓库兵营生存下来的几率甚至更小。The odds agai t survival in this camp are even worse.

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主矿路口可以以一兵营一人口堵口。The main can be walled with 1 barracks and 1 supply depot.

佳木斯“骑兵营”自行车俱乐部秘书长讲话。Jiamusi " Cavalry Camp" Bicycle Club, the Secretary-General.

在高原建立一个兵营,把卡尔加带到狄瑟利。Build a Barracks on your plateau and bring Kalkas to Thessaly.

贺塞向卡门表明爱意,但他必须重返兵营。José declares his love, but says he must return to the barracks.

兵营四周的草地淹没在黏腻的人血里。The grass around the barracks was dark and sticky with human blood.

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兵营是双枪老大爷的前提建筑之一。It serves as a prerequisite for Reapers to be built at the Barracks.

佳木斯骑兵营自行车俱乐部09年开骑仪式。Jiamusi cavalry battalion bike riding club opening ceremony in 2009.

建造人族和神族的兵营无需耗气,但是扩展建筑需要消耗气矿。Barracks and Gateways do not take gas to make, but the expansion does.

钟敲了八响,远处兵营里响起一阵军号,若隐若现,煞是凄清。Eight o'clock struck and a bugle call floated from the distant barracks.

士兵们坐在兵营的电影院里看一部电影。Those paratroopers are sitting in the cantonment film theater to see a movie.

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在高原建立一个兵营,把卡尔加带到狄瑟利。Build a Barracks and a Settlement on your plateau and bring Kalkas to Thessaly.

他逃离位于兵营的住所后,趁火打劫的人获取了一个镀金鸡尾酒餐车。After he fled the compound, looters made off with a gold-plated cocktail trolley.

有些兵营被改建,三年内死亡率从预计的减少一半。Soon some barracks were rebuilt and within three years the death rate would halve.