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缩写与略语在政治中屡见不鲜。Initials abound in politics.

对于拜尔来说,这样的挑战屡见不鲜。For Bair, such challenges are nothing new.

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但在现实生活中反人文的现象却屡见不鲜。But it's common to see anti-humanity in reality.

狮子在动物园繁殖早已屡见不鲜了。Lionesses bearing cubs in the zoo is nothing new now.

在中世纪的英格兰,神判法⑦屡见不鲜。Trial by ordeal was common in England in the middle ages.

煤矿地下开采事故屡见不鲜。Accidents during underground mining of coal are nothing new.

在我国历史上屡见不鲜的自由放任主义原则。That doctrine of laissez faire which so often in our history.

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个性化的设计中,透明玻璃的卫浴间屡见不鲜。Between the wei yu that personalized design, transparent glass.

不过,党内官员的腐败现象依然屡见不鲜。Corruption among Communist party officials is still common, however.

因此,地震在这方面是中国的一部分,是屡见不鲜,但没有意料中事。So earthquakes in this part of China are infrequent but no unexpected.

但是,网络上对于女性的歧视仍然屡见不鲜。However, biases against women still pervade many places on the Internet.

自身免疫性溶血引起的贫血也屡见不鲜。The anemia that oneself immunity hemolysis causes also common occurance.

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在个体生活的领域之中,千奇百怪的演变也是屡见不鲜。Strange evolutions are often witnessed within the life of one individual.

上述三种观点在基督徒的工作观已经被扭曲的时代屡见不鲜。Each of these myths culminates in a distorted, allegedly-Christian view of work.

然而,迷路的猎人、徒步者和童子军的故事屡见不鲜。Anyway, it seems there's always some lost hunter, hiker or boy scout in the news.

在有“双黛婆”基因的狗中,小眼睛狗和瞎子狗也屡见不鲜。Reduced eye size and missing eyes are not that uncommon, either, in double dapples.

但是实际上,因使用化妆水而引起斑疹的情形却屡见不鲜。But in fact, due to the use of water and cause the macula situation is not uncommon.

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民国时期,按揭购房在上海已经屡见不鲜。During the Minguo Era, buying a house through a mortgage became popular in Shanghai.

诱导多倍体能够提高药用植物药用成分的报道屡见不鲜,这种方法切实可行。It's commonly and viably to improve the officinal factors by induction of polyploidy.

我不相信他对于这样平平常常、屡见不鲜的利害关系如此缺乏先见之明!I wonder he should be so improvident in a point of such common, such natural, concern!