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我试图保持镇静,但忍不住怒火中烧。I tried to stay calm, but I was mad.

怒火中烧,对着他们大吼起来。In a blaze of anger he shouted at them.

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留下一段口齿不清的,怒火中烧的评论吧。Leave an inarticulate, angry comment below.

她对他的出言不逊怒火中烧。She burned with fury at his unkind remarks.

马宏怒火中烧的要对怀亚特下手,赛尔夫死命拉住了他。Mahone is furious at Wyatt, and Self must hold him back.

怒火中烧的马丁·路德把95个神学人员钉到教堂门上。An angry Martin Luther nailed 95 theocrats to a church door.

老约翰一声不吭的站在那里,因为他正怒火中烧。Old John stood there speechless , for he is burning with anger.

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而这带来的副作用则是,你可能对那些无劳而功的人一直怒火中烧。A side effect may have been anger at those who do not deserve it.

菲德尔看着莫尼卡和丹特在一同的照片,怒火中烧。Fidel looked at monica and Dan, photographs, together with anger.

两天两夜里,巴克怒火中烧,又饿又渴。For two days and nights Buck got angrier and hungrier and thirstier.

杰克打完了子弹,但怒火中烧的他仍然不停地扣动板机。Jack runs out of bullets but still keeps pulling the trigger in anger.

杰克打完了子弹,但怒火中烧的他仍然不停地扣动板机。Jack runs out of bullets, but still keeps pulling the trigger in anger.

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当你开始觉得怒火中烧快要爆发了,采取“改变它”或是“接受它”的策略。When you feel anger welling up, take a change-it or accept-it approach.

尽管他没说什么,但我们能看得见她怒火中烧。She didn't say anything, but we could see that anger smouldered in her heart.

嫌犯报以冷笑,一名特工怒火中烧地反手抽了他一耳光。The captive smirked, and one of the agents cuffed him with an angry backhand.

尽管他没说什么,但我们能看得见她怒火中烧。She did not say anything, but we could see that anger smouldered in her heart.

阿伽门农听罢怒火中烧,他说,"我绝对不会把这姑娘送回去Agamemnon gets furious with Achilles and he says, "No, I'm not giving back my girl.

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言者怒火中烧,听者无动于衷,没有比这更令人沮丧的事了。After all, there's nothing more frustrating than getting no response when you're angry.

杨曼莉得知徐嘉惠回绝了叶家父母给郝京妮找的工作时,怒火中烧!YangManLi XuJiaHui rebuffed leaves home that's parents to find work of Beijing hao, angry!

研究人员发现,听众最糟糕的行为就是对怒火中烧的同事表示认同。The worst thing a listener can do, the researchers found, is agree with an angry co-worker.