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肺炎是一种急性病。Pneumonia is an acute disease.

这种进行性脑部疾病可以导致急性病导致记忆力丧失。This progressive brain disease can lead to acute and selected memory loss.

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季节性流感是一种由流感病毒引起的急性病毒性感染。Seasonal influenza is an acute viral infection caused by an influenza virus.

我们都是搞革命的,搞革命的人最容易犯急性病。Being totally dedicated to the revolution, we are liable to be too impetuous.

黄热病是一种由受感染的蚊虫传播的急性病毒性出血疾病。Yellow fever is an acute viral haemorrhagic disease transmitted by infected mosquitoes.

多重抗药性细菌品种造成的急性病非常难治愈,通常会致命。The acute disease caused by multidrug-resistant strains is very hard to cure and usually fatal.

向急性病患者和急诊病人提供诊断治疗服务。Provides diagnostic medical services, and manages patients with acute and urgent illness and injury.

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抗战十个月以来,各种表现急性病的意见也发生了。During these ten months of war all kinds of views which are indicative of impetuosity have also appeared.

黄热病是一种急性病毒性出血热,通过受感染的蚊子传播给人。Yellow fever is an acute, haemorrhagic, viral disease that is transmitted to humans by infected mosquitoes.

结论武当山镇农村居民患急性病和患慢性病主要利用西医药。Conclusion Most of country residents saw a western medicine doctor to cure chronic disease and acute disease.

目的探讨阿昔洛韦、干扰素联合治疗小儿急性病毒性脑炎的疗效。Objective To study the curative effect of Acyclovir and Interferon treating the viral Encephalitis in children.

就我亲历而言,外国专家需要做非急性病的手术时,工作单位通常请他们回国去做。And in my experience, foreign experts in need of non-emergency surgery are usually invited to return home for it.

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临床上郄穴用于治疗本经循行部位及所属臓腑的急性病证。The Xi-Acupoint use to treat along the line by the respective organs of the acute sites and evidence for the clinic.

无论漫性病还是急性病,过分节食总是危险,实无必要。A slender restricted diet is always dangerous in chronic diseases, and also in acute diseases, where it is not requisite.

犬细小病毒病是犬病临床上的一种犬急性病毒性传染病,可引起心肌炎和胃肠炎。Canine parvovirus disease is a kind of disease clinically dog dog acute viral diseases, can cause myocarditis and gastroenteritis.

本合同的意外伤害身故保险金额、急性病身故保险金额分别在保险单上载明。The Sum Insured for accidental death and the Sum Insured for death of acute diseases under this Contract are stated on the Policy.

当前的疾病模式无法解释所观察到的慢性和急性病药品可获得性的重大差距。Current disease patterns do not explain the significant gaps observed in the availability of medicines for chronic and acute conditions.

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拉沙热是一种由沙粒病毒属中的拉沙病毒引起的,可持续一至四周的急性病毒性疾病。Lassa fever is an acute viral illness of one to four weeks duration caused by lassa virus a member of the arena virus family of viruses.

旨在调查中低收入国家慢性和急性病药品可获得性的潜在差异。To investigate potential differences in the availability of medicines for chronic and acute conditions in low- and middle-income countries.

此期适当的休息、合理的营养和饮食及保肝药的合理使用,是所有急性病毒性肝炎的共同疗法。This period of proper rest and reasonable nutrition and diet and the liver of the rational use of drugs is common to all acute viral hepatitis therapy.