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第一,历史悠久。First, long history.

维堡,位于丹麦,是一座拥有悠久历史的老城镇。Viborg is a city in Denmark.

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合水历史悠久。All water has a long history.

保山具有悠久的历史。Baoshan boasts a long history.

巴斯大学有很悠久的历史。Bath has got a lot of history.

琅玡台有着悠久的历史。Lonagyatai has a long history.

仁化县历史悠久。Renhua County, a long history.

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莒县的历史非常悠久。Juxian has a very long history.

澧县历史悠久,人文古远。Lixian County has a long history.

忻州历史文化悠久。Xinzhou a long history and culture.

定音鼓有著悠久的历史。The timpani have had a long history.

新疆植棉历史悠久。Xinjiang cotton with a long history.

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鹰猎在我国有悠久的历史。Falconry has a long history in China.

大蒜你作为治疗物历史悠久Garlic has a long history as a healer

河源市是一个具有悠久历史。Heyuan is a city with a long history.

面条在中国拥有悠久的历史。Noodles in China have a long history.

蜀绣的生产具有悠久的历史。Shu embroidery enjoys a long history.

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钟在中国的历史特别古老而悠久。The bell has a long history in China.

因为其历史悠久。It seems to go back a long, long time.

围棋在我国具有悠久的历史。I-go has a long history in our country.