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好像在无人区一样,你看起来像还和你妈住一起的样子。It's in no-man's-land, you look like you live with your mother.

让船只进入这片“无人区”是荒谬且十分危险的。Its ridiculous, and very dangerous for ships to enter this 'no man's land'.

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每年,多为夏季,在无人区徒步旅行。Makes yearly, mostly in the spring, trips on foot through inhospitable regions.

他发现自己回到了那种似睡非睡的无人区。He found himself back in that no-man's-land where we are neither asleep nor awake.

“无人区”往往指的是战场上敌我壕沟之间的区域。"No Man's Land" is traditionally known as the area between two trenches on a battlefield.

只有像南极洲和智利的阿塔卡玛沙漠这类的无人区不会有信号。Only unpopulated areas like Antarctica or Chile's Atacama desert will remain off the hook.

在无人区的动物种类中,最大的群落要数藏羚羊、藏野驴和野牦牛三种。The three largest communities here are Tibetan antelope, Tibetan wild donkey, and wild yak.

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然而,连接东部的那些曾经肥沃的土地上却是一片像无人区一般死寂。Eastward stretches a no-man's land where once fertile fields lie desolate and deathly still.

为了确保不会避免陷入“无人区”,明智的企业家往往会做两件事。Smarter entrepreneurs are increasingly doing two things to make sure they don't caught in "No Man's Land."

这些渔船竭尽全力要穿过无人区,这里是格雷河进入塔斯曼海的交汇口。These fishing boats are straining across no man's lands, where a flooded Grey River met a violent Tasman Sea.

士兵们放下枪杆,走出壕沟,在无人区和敌人互换礼物,一起唱歌,对了,还有一起踢足球。The soldiers put down their guns and went into no-man's-land to exchange gifts, sing songs, and yes, play football.

结论无人区电轴可以做为宽QRS波群心动过速鉴别诊断的一项指标。Conclusion The axis of "no man's land" can be used as a index of differential diagnosis of wide QRS complex tachycardia.

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就是在这类拆除的桎梏与重建的桎梏之间的无人区里我们可以发现一幅油画的诡诈。It is in the no man's land between these deconstructions and reconstructions that a painting's intrigue can be discovered.

藏语“羌塘”意为北方的空地,狭义指藏北无人区,实则是所有北方未知的土地。In Tibetan, "Chang Tang" means northern empty wilderness while narrowly, means unpopulated region in northern part of Tibet.

我们为20年前秋天铁幕的撕开而干杯,喝“无人区”葡萄酒似乎再合适不过了。It seems fitting to be drinking No Man's Land wine as we toast the tearing down 20 years ago this autumn of the Iron Curtain.

切尔诺贝利上空的巨大的辐射云团将放射性物质带到了几乎欧洲所有领土上,并且让其周围30公里成了无人区。The huge plume of smoke from Chernobyl spread radiation over most of Europe and forced evacuation within a 30-kilometre radius.

别提照顾老人事儿了,党会把他们赶到无人区,死于暴晒。Forget about care for the elderly they will march them out into the vast unpopulated areas in the country and let them die from exposure.

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结论起源于左室多个区域的异位激动的额面电轴都可位于无人区,起源于右室的异位激动未出现无人区电轴。Conclusion The axis of "no man's land" can appear in multiple sites of left ventricle ectopic arrhythmia but no region of right ventricular.

周四,政府已经完全禁止进入疏散区方圆12英里的范围内,部分原因是考虑到了有人会进入无人区抢劫。On Thursday, the government fully banned entry into the 12-mile-radius evacuation zone amid concerns about looting in the deserted communities.

藏北无人区是野生动物的天然保护区,那里繁衍生息着许多高原特有的珍稀动物。The depopulated zone in North Tibet is a natural preserve for wild animals. Many kinds of animals that are peculiar to Tibetan Highland live here.