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虽然我一直都投工党的票,可是我不认为我是过于左倾的。I always voted Labour but I wouldn't say I was too leftwing.

多年来,他的政治看法都比较左倾。From his political piont of view, he has been pink for years.

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尽管为时还早,但那些看出左倾苗头的人也不无理由。It is early days, but those who see a leftward tilt have a case.

中苏大论战最大的特点是左倾教条主义。Pinko dogmatism is the most remarkable character of the controversy.

向左倾斜的字体表明这人比较保守或者内向。Left slanting writing indicates a more reserved or introverted nature.

唐在政治上比我们都要左倾,但他看上去更像是一个蓝领。Don was more left wing than the rest of us, but he looked more blue collar.

那么,这种关于利益论的分析,是从一个激进的左倾的观点推导出来的吗?What then, is the interest of such an analysis, from a radical left point of view?

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类似这种改革并没有任何左倾或右倾色彩,这是科学计算的结果。These and similar reforms aren't right-leaning or left-leaning. They're math-leaning.

左倾的草根组织“前进”称这个协议是“不道德到让人无法容忍的地步”。The left-leaning grassroots organisation MoveOn described it as "grotesquely immoral".

其次,鲁迅的左倾也体现在对国民党当局的批判中。Again, Lu also showed his leftist mind in his criticism of the Guomingtang authorities.

研究表明,一个父亲有越多的女儿,他会更左倾。Research has found that the more girls a man has, the more likely he is to be Left-wing.

白宫认为外交部都是些左倾份子和卖国贼。Apparently, the White House thinks that the Foreign Office is full of pinkos and traitors.

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在核心国内政策上,正如共和党内怀疑论者一直在说的,奥巴马是左倾的。In his domestic-policy heart, Mr Obama leans left, just as Republican sceptics always said.

这些变革将使该党摆脱不切实际的“左倾”思想的影响,正是这些“左倾”思想让很多日本人离他们而去。The changes would move the party away from the dreamy leftism that alienated many Japanese.

这全是靠肢体语言,向前倾,向左倾,向右倾,向后倾,还有旋转。It's all about body movement. Tilting forward, backwards, left and right and twisting around.

欧洲联邦主义、左倾、反英格兰本土主义、政治正确,这些观点跟别人有什么不同吗?What’s not to like? From a Eurofederalist, right-on, PC, anti-Little Englander point of view?

接着,他就会发现,只不过和民主党核心小组有些接触就让自己左倾许多。He may also find that the simple fact of caucusing with Democrats nudges him farther to the left.

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究其原因,薄一波等老革命家认为,这种紧张与部分同志的左倾情绪有关。Seeking the cause. Bo Yibo believed the 'left' passion in some comrades was related to the tense.

联邦行政区是由民主革命左倾的党派所控制的。The Federal District is controlled by the left-leaning Party of the Democratic Revolution , or PRD.

他所带领的左倾工党已明显的优势结束了保守党约翰·霍华德12年之久的统治。His left-leaning party's emphatic victory ends nearly 12 years of rule by the conservative John Howard.