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赤狐因皮毛呈赤褐色而得名。The red fox was named for it's russet pelt.

最近,在康涅狄格州海边,我所居住的公寓后面的湿地里,有一只赤狐被猎杀了。Recently, a red fox has been hunting in the marsh behind my condo on the Connecticut shoreline.

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赤狐的聪明狡猾足智多谋使它誉满四海。The red fox's resourcefulness has earned it a legendary reputation for intelligence and cunning.

成为代理赤狐和智取坏人利用出奇不意将他们绳之以法。Become Agent Red Fox and outsmart the bad guys using the element of surprise to bring them to justice.

赤狐以多种不同的习惯生活在世界各地的森林,草地,大山和沙漠。Red foxes live around the world in many diverse habitats including forests, grasslands, mountains, and deserts.

赤狐栖息于各种生境,居于土洞、树洞、石隙或其他动物废弃的旧洞穴内。Red fox habitat in the various habitats, living in the soil hole, tree holes, rock crevices or other animals abandoned the old cave.

赤狐是独居动物,以捕猎啮齿动物、兔子和鸟类为食,或玩点其他的花招---它们的日常饮食如同它们的住所一样是可以灵活多变的。Red foxes are solitary hunters who feed on rodents, rabbits, birds, and other small game—but their diet can be as flexible as their home habitat.

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无论在总体平均值上,还是在不同亚种个体同一部位上,赤狐东北亚种上毛的髓质指数均大于华南亚种。The medulla exponent of upper hair of northeast subspecies was bigger than that of the south either in total average or in the same position of different subspecies.

在它们满月后新的红色的皮毛开始生长,但一些赤狐的皮毛呈金色,红褐色,银色甚至黑色。At birth, red foxes are actually brown or gray. A new red coat usually grows in by the end of the first month, but some red foxes are golden, reddish-brown, silver, or even black.

这项研究的主要目的是确定狼、赤狐和乌苏里貉这三种犬科动物的食性及它们之间的食物生态位重叠程度。Objectives for this study were to compare food habits of Wolves, Red Foxes and Raccoon Dogs and to determine if them exhibited food niche overlap in areas where they are sympatric.

我看见三只多叉鹿在溜蹄、两只火鸡快步走过、一头赤狐在奔跑、一只鼬鼠在躲躲闪闪、一只土拨鼠在享受日光浴,还有一尾鲈鱼在清澈的河流中静静地游来游去。I've gazed upon three antlered deer ambling , two turkeys trotting, one red fox racing, a skunk skulking, a groundhog sunbathing, and bass swimming silently down a see-through stream.