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也没有啥承诺须去实现。No promises to keep.

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让我们实现它,嚯!Let us make it so HO!

也许一个连贯性的方案可能会帮助我们实现这一目标。A coherent plan could.

实现和交付。Implement and Deliver.

但是如何实现呢?But how to achieve this?

他们真的能实现?Can they really deliver?

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实现延续。Implement continuations.

我实现了我所有的理想。I realized all my dreams.

实现内存窗。Implement Memory Windows.

如果你的实现了,你就赢了。If yours happens, you win.

你有实现它的动力吗?Do you have the motivation?

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您如何来实现这一点呢?How do you accomplish this?

这种状态可能实现么?Is such a state realisable?

我可以实现我的所有梦想。I can realize all my dreams.

我认为那是可以实现的。That, I think, is achievable.

这是你们可以实现的目标。This is what you can achieve.

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诸如此类,这是怎么实现的呢And so on. How's that operate?

让兰寇为你实现一些小小的改变吧。Have a little lift on Lancôme.

人生是梦想----努力实现吧!Life is a dream----realize it.