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她的近照证实了这些传言。The latest pictures of her confirmed these rumors.

申请表上请贴一张近照。Attach a recent photograph to your application form.

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这有些生锈电感的近照,注意那些气泡。Here's a close up of these chokes, notice the bubbles.

请将申请信,简历及您的近照寄至本公司。Please mark on the envelope the position you apply for.

希望你的自介也包含你的近照,后会有期!Wishing you include your recent pictures in your profile too.

信中还附着一张他父母的近照。There was a recent photo of his parents along with the letter.

清将简历和近照寄到本公司。Please send in comprehensive resume and recent photograph to us.

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希望你的自介也包含你的近照,后会有期!Wishing you to include your recent pictures in your profile too.

海军上将翻动图样,展示一幅这艘潜艇的近照。The admiral flipped the chart and showed a close-up of the submarine.

报名时请携带考试报名费、身份证件及近照三张。You must bring the test fee, your identity card and three recent photographs.

你的护照申请表需附两张近照。Your passport application form should be accompanied by two recent photographs.

如您有兴趣加入路易威登,请把您的详细简历随附近照以邮寄或电子邮件的形式发往本公司。We invite interested parties to send their full resume by post or bye-mail to us.

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中国的卧龙熊猫保护中心拿出了一张关于九只熊猫宝宝的近照。It was a photo up-to-date for nine baby pandas at the Wolong Panda Center in China.

但是,当我第一次看到他的近照,枯老赢瘦,垂垂暮年,我感到了一个寂寞的灵魂。But the first time I saw a recent photo of his, emaciated and aged, I sensed a lonely soul in him.

朝鲜的官方新闻机构公布了朝鲜最高领导人金正日的近照,照片显示了金在机械厂和肥皂厂视察的场景。From North Korea, images of leader Kim Jong Il paying a visit to factories making machinery and soap.

你必须把你的近照发给我,我才帮你办,我想看看你现在什么样子?。You must pass me a recent photo of yours, or I will not help you. I want to see how you look like now.

你最好先发一张你耳部的近照,那样你才会订到合适的尺寸。You’re supposed to send a photo of a quarter next to your ear so that you order exactly the right size.

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有意者请将中英文简历,近照连同期望薪金寄至本公司。Please direct all applications in writing, including full resume, recent photo and expected salary to us.

照应好我方吧,能够给我几张你在加拿大工作也许生活的近照吗?Take care of yourself! Could you send me several recent photos of you in Cananda at work or in daily life?

在此,你还可以以大三巴牌坊为背景,从不同角度拍近照。And you can always take yet another picture of you with the ruins as a backdrop, this time from another angle.