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他把两根铁管焊接在一起。He welded two iron pipes together.

这铁管上有鳞状般的铁锈。This iron pipe is scaly with rust.

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是,是的。如果你愿意,它可以是一个长着铁管的千里马。Yes, it is. it will be a horse with iron tubes if you like.

它们与单翼飞机机身上的结构铁管相符。They match structural iron tubing from the single-winged plane's fuselage.

这个狱警向房间外的另一个狱警叫喊,要他过来看看他发现的这支断了的铁管。The C.O. calls to another guard outside to come and check out what he’s found.

在美国,挥舞铁管足够构成致命武力威胁。In the US, wielding that iron pipe is enough to constitute a deadly force threat.

马宏用铁管打碎了车窗,从车里跳出逃走。Mahone smashes the car window with the pipe and he escapes from Wheeler and Lang.

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他背着一大袋橡子,手里拿着一根4英尺长的铁管。On his back was a sack of acorn. In his hand was a four-foot length of iron pipe.

他将铁管捡了起来,检查铁管的边缘,然后向上望向那条新安装的管道。He picks it up, and inspects the edge, then looks upwards to the newly installed pipe.

为了保持样品沉积物的层次结构,就要用空心铁管采样器。To take samples that retain the larger structure of the sediment, a core sampler is used.

通过试验得出了最佳退火工艺,获得了符合国际标准ISO2531-91要求的离心铸造球铁管。The centrifugal ductile cast iron pipe in accordance with ISO2531 91 demands was produced.

管式车轴采用的是光滑的铁管,并且通过完美的空气动力学来平衡载荷。Tube axles were built from smooth, steel tubing and balanced strength with superb aerodynamics.

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并可用于热模法铸态离心球铁管的生产。The CB wash can be used to produce as-cast centrifugal ductile iron pipes by heated mold method.

研究了热模法离心铸造球铁管的退火工艺。The annealing process of centrifugal ductile cast iron pipe by the heated mould method is studied.

那种奇形怪状由铅皮管和铁管构成的枝桠最先引起冉阿让的注意。This odd espalier, with its branches of lead and iron, was the first thing that struck Jean Valjean.

如果这些化学物质可以腐蚀铁管,那他们怎么可能没有腐蚀调这个牙膏管?If the chemicals can eat through the iron pipes, how come they can't eat through the toothpaste tube?

一群一群的人们在店铺前手持铁管、棍子和砍刀,警察后来驱散了他们。Groups of men carrying pipes sticks and cleavers milled in front of shops before police dispersed them.

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Westmoreland抓起一条工业用铁管,他们将铁管插入屋顶和管道中,试图撬开管道。Westmoreland grabs a piece of industrial pipe and they try to wedge it between the ceiling and the pipe.

同时,马宏征得惠勒和兰的同意,去公路旁的一个洗手间方便,他偷偷在水池上卸下了一根铁管。Meanwhile, Mahone slips away from Wheeler and Lang to a roadside stop restroom. He takes a pipe from the sink.

一走进房间,女孩就感到脚下一阵晃动,她急忙扶住一根铁管,心想是错觉吗?Entered the room, the girl felt at the foot of a rock, she hastily caught a piece of pipe, thinking is an illusion?