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江西兴国被称为著名的灰鹅之乡。Xingguo in jiangxi the of the famous grey geese.

教育是兴国之本,更是百年大计。Education is fundamental to a country's enduring prosperity.

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市长黄兴国主持会议并讲话。Mayor Huang Xingguo presides over the conference and speaks.

发展是我们党执政兴国的第一要务。Development is the Party’s top priority in governing and rejuvenating the country.

我们应将发展放在执政兴国中的第一位。We should place development on the primary in governing and rejuvenating the country.

兴国的同志们创造了第一等的工作,值得我们称赞他们为模范工作者。The comrades in Hsingkuo have done first-rate work and deserve our praise as model workers.

——必须坚持把发展作为党执政兴国的第一要务。We must regard development as the top priority of the Party in governing arid rejuvenating the country.

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而大力发展科技,是靠我们学习知识来体现的,也是兴国的根本。And to develop science and technology, is to rely on our knowledge embodied in the country is fundamental.

从兴国州域龙虎道教音乐与民俗形态切入,以“龙虎道乐”中的五大声腔为依据,全面考察该乐种“阴阳”二律的辩证思维方法。This paper starts with the discussion of the dragon and tiger Daoism music and folk custom form in Xinguo State realm.

平均遗传相似性系数从兴国红鲤与方正银鲫间的0.274到兴国红鲤与异育银鲫间的0.286,再到兴国红鲤与异育银鲫准回交世代间的0.321逐步增加。The genetic similarities increase step by step from 0.274 of CC, to 0.286 between CC and ASCC and 0.321 between CC and PHAR.

兴国估计,钢材市场将主要在春节晚会“的总上升休克型”的趋势。" Prospering estimated that the steel market will be largely before the Spring Festival show, "the general rise shock-based "trend.

黄兴国说,本次夏季达沃斯论坛的举办恰逢世界经济论坛40周年之际,与以往相比,将会更受世人瞩目。This year's forum, falling upon the 40th anniversary of the World Economic Forum, is more eye-catching than ever before, Huang said.

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其中兴国禅寺庙是一个非常著名的礼拜场所,灵岩寺则是唐代最著名的四大寺庙之一。The Xingguochan Temple is a wellknown place of worship. The Lingyan Temple is one of the four most famous temples of the Tang Dynasty.

一个合格的医生或皮肤科医生可以与您一起确定哪些面部填充物将为您提供最优的兴国的结果。A qualified doctor or dermatologist can work with you to determine which facial filler will provide you with optimal and rejuvenating results.

其中,兴国山歌的传承与创新,应视为非物质文化遗产保护的根本途径。Thereinto those, the sending and innovation of Xingguo folk song should be regarded as the fundamental approach of cultural heritage's protection.

兴国山歌是江西非物质文化遗产的一大瑰宝,曾经在赣南旅游开发中发挥过重要作用。Xingguo folk song is one of the treasures of Jiangxi's intangible cultural heritage and it once played important role in Gannan's tourist development.

聚类分析表明,兴国红鲤、玻璃红鲤和瓯江红鲤为同一分支,荷包红鲤为另一分支。Phylogenetic tree showed Xingguo red carp, glass red carp and Oujiang color carp belong to the same clade, and purse red carp belongs to another clade.

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主要景点有唐代的宝塔树,兴国寺,九,文昌庙,舜寺和石佛头。The main scenic spots include pagoda-tree of the Tang Dynasty, Xingguo Temple, Nine Spots Terrace, Wenchang Temple, Shun Temple and Stone Buddhist Head.

兴国县长冈乡乡苏由于能够与群众打成一片,工作很有成效而成为“苏维埃工作的模范”。Soviet of Changkang township in Xingguo county integrated with the crowd, and the work performance of which is remarkable, became the model of soviet work.

与此同时,世界人口增加,尤其在中国、印度以及其他快速增长的新兴国,蛋白质的消耗量增加。At the same time, a growing number of people around the world, particularly in China, India and other fast-growing emerging nations, are consuming more protein.