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只怕我不明白,让我来扣问一下该组的锐意人。I"m afraid Idon"t know. Let me ask the supervisor in this section.

不断地努力进取、锐意创新,把中国的水晶胶产业带向世界的每一个角落!The China crystal glue industrial belt to every corner of the world!

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像许多锐意创新的科学家一样,Picard在自己身上测试了这台装置。Like many innovative scientists, Picard tested the device on herself.

我们支持锐意发展和招聘最佳人才。We support the aggressive development and recruitment of the best people.

锐意图治,忠心耿耿,政治上是一位干才。Sharp intention cures, utterly loyal, is a talented individual on the political.

欢迎你们来日内瓦参加这次锐意改革的协商会议。Welcome to Geneva, and welcome to a consultation with a transformative ambition.

崇尚个性,拒绝雷同!街头拍客锐意而生!Respect For Individuality, Rejected Similar! Street Photographer Come Into Being!

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为什么重点强调制砂机行业需要锐意的创新呢?Why emphasis on making pressure-blasting machine industry needs unceasingly innovation?

若没有她,锐意求进的光绪皇帝,一定会进行他的维新大计。Without her the progressive Emperor Kuanghsu would certainly have gone on with his reforms.

若没有她,锐意求进的光绪皇帝,一定会进行他的维新大计。Without her the progressive Emperor Kuangshu would certainly have gone on with his reforms.

经过锐意改革,威权统治逐渐解体,民主之路蔚为康庄大道。Through tenacious reform, authoritarian rule gradually gave way to the boulevard of democracy.

励精图治,不断进取,锐意创新,力创本行业一流企业。Good governance, continuous improvement and innovation, of a first-class enterprise in the industry.

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作为浸会大学的校长,吴校长有明确的理想,锐意把大学发展成为一流的学府。As the President of HKBU, he has a clear vision to develop the university into a renowned institution.

在新形势的要求下,计算机文化基础课程必须与时俱进,锐意改革。In the new situation, the computer culture curriculum must advance with the times and determine to reform.

我们以“优利德集团有限公司”为根基,锐意在全球各地测试仪表市场拓展业务。UNI-T takes "Uni-Trend Group Limited" as a foundation, targeting to develop business in the global market.

深化改革,锐意创新,是高新区得以不断前进与发展的动力和源头,也是高新区的重要使命。The deepened reform and innovation is the impetus of national high-tech zone, as well as it's important mission.

所幸的是,不管新德里发生什么,有四大强大理由会确保印度锐意向前。Fortunately, there are four powerful reasons why India will forge ahead, regardless of what happens in New Delhi.

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近年来,中国银行锐意改革,强化管理,开拓进取,各项业务。In recent years, the Bank of China are committed to reforming and strengthening management, forging ahead, the business.

通用汽车表示,它不但很有锐意为其扩展方案集资,而且没有淘汰在印度作事的4万名员工的方案。It says it is confident of raising funds for its expansion, and has no plans to reduce its 40,000-strong staff in India.

该公司认为,只要让私房无主精确地看到是什么花掉了他们大多数的钱,他们就会行动起来,锐意改革。The company thinks that when homeowners see exactly what's costing them the most money, they'll make behavioral changes.