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嗯,你们可以推断一下。Well, you can kind of infer.

我们可以推断黑棋输了。We can infer that black lost.

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我们必须进行推断。We've got to infer something.

你从那条新闻中推断到些什么?What do you glean from the news?

我以为任何推断都不能成立。I submit that no inference is true.

我们可以推断这段代码所做的事情么?Can you deduce what this chunk does?

我推断得更准确了“I am reasoning more quickly about it."

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部分问题可通过推断得到答案。Inference provides some of the answers.

这是我从他说的话中推断出来的。This is what I gathered from his speech.

而在OWL中,一个值域可被用来推断一个类型。In OWL, a range may be used to infer a type.

他从邮戳推断他住在什么哪里?From the postmark he inferred where she lived.

你无法通过推断意图来捕捉完它。You can't corral it by inferring an intention.

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通过我们刚才讨论的,我们可以推断?This one we concluded by talking about earlier?

“KERS在这不会起很大的作用。”他推断。"The KERS doesn't do much here, " he concluded.

从我们的经验中对未来做出推断。Extrapolation from our experience to the future.

根据证据我们推断他有罪。From the evidence we deduced that he was guilty.

我企图推断他行动的原因。I tried to determine the reasons for his actions.

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所以小男孩会推断,“妈妈很好,我爱妈妈“So the child infers, " "Mom is nice, I love Mom."

我们可以从上下文中推断这个词的含义。We can infer the meaning of the word in the context.

经过秋子等人的推断发现原来凶手是美里。After the QiuZi that found that the killer is beauty.