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禾苗长三尺,雨露昨夜功。Three feet seedlings, rain last night.

阳光雨露抚育我成长。Raised by the sunshine, rains and dews.

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是纯粹的偶然遮住了阳光雨露。Crass Casualty obstructs the sun and rain.

雨露滋润禾苗壮。Rain and dew drops nourish young seedlings.

风霜雨露,早出晚归。Frost and rain, give evening early to return.

我需要妳。哦﹗我最心爱的。有如渴望雨露的玫瑰…I need you, oh my darling, like roses need rain.

雨、星星,与云朵,光华与圣洁的雨露。Rain, stars and clouds, light and the sacred dew.

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我们沐浴着阳光雨露!The sunny gentle breeze and rain we shower joyful !

是中新双语给了我们阳光雨露,我们才得以健康快乐的成长。It is the school that makes us grow healthily and happily.

一同享受每天清晨的阳光,微风,雨露,黄昏。Both enjoy every morning breeze, the sunshine, rain, at dusk.

阳光有雨露未必能盛开美丽彩虹。Sunlight and Rain is unlikely to weave the brilliant Rainbow.

我是幼苗,您是雨露,滋润我干枯的心田。I am your seedlings, is the rain and dew, moisten my withered heart.

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他为雨露定命令,为雷电定道路。When he made a decree for the rain, and a way for the lightning of the thunder

就象禾苗之于雨露,所有的关爱与扶持,点点滴滴,铭刻在心。He Miao as in the rain, all the love and support, bit by bit, engraved in mind.

关爱的阳光不知是普照鲜花,温馨的雨露也要洒遍小草。I wonder if love is the sun shine flowers , warm rain xiaocaohu also all over her.

它之所以享尽天年,完全是因为对阳光、泥土、雨露充满了热爱。It dies a natural death, is totally full of love to sunshine, earth, rain and dew.

极少数人和大多数人都应当一样得到充沛的阳光雨露。The majority and the minority alike should benefit from sunshine and rain of the law.

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如捕捉风晴雨露自然环境中牡丹的情态。If in capture wind clear rain and dew natural environment peony's sentiment condition.

经济复苏的“绿芽”需要“阳光雨露”,需要悉心爱护。A nascent economic recovery needs our care, just as a green shoot needs sunshine and water.

我跟吉姆见面,他跟我讲好拍纪录片的事,他这人真是太棒了,简直就像甘雨雨露同样。When I met Jim that sealed the deal, he was such a wonderful human being, salt of the earth.