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他们抵制会议。They boycotted the meeting.

现代社会是抵制爱的。Modern society is anti-love.

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我在抵制大选。I am boycotting the elections.

我学会了去抵制诱惑。I learned to resist temptations.

让我们联合起来抵制日货!Let's Boycott Japanese Products!

为什么我抵制这一称呼?Why do I resist the description?

网上都在谈联合抵制。The networks are taiking boycott.

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您应当抵制这种诱惑。You should resist the temptation.

实验室安全、抵制浪费从自身做起!Lab Waste from Eva Amsen on Vimeo.

但是你无法抵制它But, you know, you couldn't resist it.

他们正在联合抵制日货。They're boycotting the Japanese goods.

二是要使用一个良好的蚀刻抵制。The second is to use a good etch resist.

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米歇尔,你不能抵制你的未来。You can’t boycott your future, Michelle.

然而我的身体开始抵制这样的训练了。And my body began to reject the training.

抵制日货是正确的吗?Is it right to boycott Japanese products?

还有一种声音是老调重弹——抵制日货。It is to resist the Japannese production.

有谁能抵制睡懒觉的诱惑呢?Who can resist the temptation to sleep in?

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起初,他们对改革的号召加以抵制。At first they resisted the call for reform.

而俄罗斯方面一直抵制这一点。And Russia has resisted it, " Aslund noted."

阿肯色州教育协会声称教师们会抵制这次考试。The AEA said teachers would boycott the test.