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很漂亮的。It's very nice.

你看起来、真漂亮。You look so well!

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你的连衣裙真漂亮。I like your dress.

安娜的帽子漂亮而别致。Annas hat is smart.

一个漂亮的女孩。A good-looking girl.

我漂亮的妹妹。My beautiful sister.

噢,她真漂亮!Oh, was she a cutie!

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她有个漂亮的屁股。She has a nice tush.

她是个漂亮的女孩子。She is a perty girl.

这些花真漂亮!Those are beautiful!

那么漂亮,那么魁伟!so handsome! so tall!

简是一个高大而漂亮的金发女郎。Jane is a buxom blond.

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打漂亮的一仗。They're having a fight.

这是一块漂亮的印花布。This is a lovely print.

你的花瓶很漂亮。Your vase is beautiful.

我有一间漂亮的卧室缷。I have a lovely bedroom.

多漂亮的小帽子!What a dinky little hat!

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还能有更漂亮的事情吗“What could be prettier?"

“她是个漂亮的女孩,”我说。“She's a cutie,” I said.

它是一幅相当漂亮的画。It's quite a nice imagin.