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底泥则经氢氟酸和高氯酸消化。Bed mud was digested by HF and HClO4.

氢氟酸是一种强烈的反应剂。Hydrofluoric is an extremely reactive agent.

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醋酸或甲酸与氢氟酸的混合物。A mixture of acetic or formic acid and hydrofluoric acid.

氢氟酸检测漆,用于保证密封的整体性。HF acid detecting paint to ensure valve sealing integrity.

这里有个例子,氢氟酸,对吧?HF And let's take an example, HF, hydrofluoric acid, all right?

缓慢溶于氢氟酸和热浓硫酸。The slowness is dissolve in hydrofluoric acid and hot oil of vitriols.

介绍了一种耐氢氟酸腐蚀的涂料及其应用效果。A hydrofluoric acid corrosion resistant coatings and their application were recommended.

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产品有莹石粉、无水氟化氢、工业氢氟酸等。Our products include fluospar, acid-fluospar, and industrial grade hydrofluoric acid, etc.

氢氟酸及喷砂处理对瓷表面形态改变明显。Hydrofluoric acid-etching and sandblasting had obvious effect on ceramic surface structure.

测量了用盐酸或氢氟酸腐蚀后有不同失重的玻璃纤维的低温氮吸附等温线。Nitrogen isotherms of the glass fibers treated with HC1 or HF acid at room temperature were determined.

但氢氟酸、磷酸、盐酸及硫酸以及浓碱除外。Exceptions are hydrofluoric, phosphoric, hydrochloric and sulfuric acids as well as concentrated alkalies.

采用氢氟酸和碳酸钠作为沉淀剂,对湿法磷酸进行了脱除金属杂质的试验研究。Using hydrofluoric acid and sodium carbonate as sediments, removal of metal impurities from WPA was studied.

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它具有较高的抗腐蚀性能,为无机酸,有机酸及有机溶剂除氢氟酸。It has high anti-corrosion for inorganic acid, organic acid and organic solvent except the hydrofluoric acid.

在将任何蒙乃尔部件组装进氢氟酸阀门之前,都经过酸性检测,以确保确实是蒙乃尔材料。Before any monel part is assembled into a hydrofluoric acid valve it is acid tested to assure that it is monel.

这些化学试剂通常是氢氟酸、硝酸、硫酸、盐酸等强酸。These chemical reagents are usually hydrofluoric acid, nitric acid, sulfuric acid, hydrochloric acid and so on.

对氢氟酸预反应器螺旋部件的结构和加工工艺进行了阐述。The structure and processing technology of the helical components of a hydrofluoric acid pre reactor were described.

本案例为氢氟酸烧伤并气体吸入性损伤,为严重氟中毒。This paper reports a case of hydrofluoric acid burn complicated by inhalation injury and serious fluorine toxicosis.

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表明笔石详细构造的物质是利用氢氟酸从石灰岩中侵蚀出来。Material illustrating detailed structure of graptolites has been etched from limestone by means of hydrofluoric acid.

从来不使用化学物质如氢氟酸或氟化铵清洁电气石,因为它可以削弱石头。Never use chemicals such as hydrofluoric acid or ammonium fluoride to clean Tourmaline because it can erode the stone.

如不小心吸入高浓度的氢氟酸酸雾,将引起支气管炎和出血性肺水肿。If careless inhaling high concentrations of hydrofluoric acid acid fog will cause haemorrhagic bronchitis and lung edema.