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不再分泌唾液。You stop.

我看见了他的唾液,伙计。I saw his gob , me mate.

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墨水用煤灰和唾液来做。And ink from soot and spit.

他研究的是唾液的分泌。He was interested in saliva.

婴儿溅唾液于围兜上。The baby beslavered his lib.

唾液是一种缓冲溶液。Saliva is a buffered solution.

但在今天,那滴唾液却能使一个人获释。Today that spot could free a man.

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使用唾液,衣角,和灰烬。He uses spit and cloths and ashes.

唾腺分泌唾液。Glands in the mouth secrete saliva.

狗见到骨头就大量分泌唾液。A dog salivates when it sees a bone.

为了弄到唾液,他找来了几条狗。And to get saliva he had to have dogs.

我一口全吞咽下去了,分不清是血还是唾液。I gulped it down, blood, saliva and all.

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唾液是由外分泌腺分泌出来的。Saliva is secreted from the exocrine gland.

消化是在口腔唾液的作用下开始的。Digestion begins in the mouth with the action of saliva.

唾液抑制所有血液中的病毒。Saliva inactivates HIV, including any virus in the blood.

有些唾液酸位于溶酶体的外表面。Some sialic acid is on the external surface of lysosomes.

唾液缺乏意味着口腔清洗更缓慢。Lack of saliva means that the mouth is cleansed more slowly.

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口香糖能够增加唾液分泌,有助消灭齿菌斑。The gum can stimulate saliva flow, which helps fight plaque.

过敏原来自皮屑、唾液、尿液,而非毛发。Allergens come from dander, saliva, and urine, not from hair.

受感染家禽将病毒分泌或排泄到它们的唾液或粪便中。Infected poultry excrete virus in their secretions and faeces.