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玻璃平板上没有原件。No original on platen glass.

上图是一副1835年的平板画,画中的是红夹克酋长,一位美洲原住民塞内卡族酋长。a Native American Seneca chief.

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原件被留在玻璃平板上。Original is left on platen glass.

铆钉与平板贴合。The rivets bed against the flat plate.

用于升级或恢复您的平板。Usefull to upgrade or recover your tablet.

那列火车有57个平板车厢,12个货柜车厢。That train has 57 flat cars and 12 box cars.

尽管平板炙手可热,联网电视却门可罗雀。While Tablets are hot, connected TVs are not.

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他能把您的平板变成一个遥控器。It will turn you tablet into a remote control.

如果您有一个平板显示忽略这个要诀。If you have a flat-panel display ignore this tip.

模型材料为环氧树脂平板。The models were made of the plate of epoxy resin.

那10英寸的平板电脑拿在手上是什么感觉呢?What about the look and feel of a 10-inch tablet?

平板电脑有一些实用的优点。A tablet computer holds some practical advantages.

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对于平板玻璃,热退火是最常用的。For flat glass, heat tempering is most often used.

那他们怎么保证平板电脑够方便好使呢?How do they ensure that the device is easy to use?

两种最常见的绘图仪是平板式绘图仪和滚筒式绘图仪。Two common types of plotters are flatbed and drum.

上面说了这么多,那么这是一款好平板电脑吗?Having said all of the above, is this a good tablet?

十年前,我们没有平板电视。Ten years ago we didn't have flat-panel televisions.

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每间客房都配有空调和平板电视。Guests can enjoy the on-site bar. Every room has a TV.

这种新款的平板电脑也没有接近传感器。The new tablet computer also lacks a proximity sensor.

这几款平板电脑配备前置和后置摄像头,但没有闪光灯。There are front- and rear-facing cameras but no flash.