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定息仍然属于剥削的性质。In its nature this interest was still a form of exploitation.

“定息”是在高级国家资本主义企业阶段的利润分配政策。"Fixed rate" state capitalism in the advanced stages of the distribution of profits, business policy.

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定息债券继续主导市场,占二零零一年新发行总额七成左右。Fixed-rate debt continued to dominate the market and constituted about 70 per cent of total new issues in 2001.

借款人向贷款人发行的证券,包括浮息或定息,短期或长期债券。Security issued by a borrower to a lender, covering short-or long-term debt at variable or fixed interest rate.

二零零一年年底,所有未偿还定息债券的平均年期比二零零零年略长。The average maturity profile of all outstanding fixed-rate debt at the end of 2001 increased slightly compared with 2000.

尽管我们有资格申请贷款金额更高、利息更低的浮息按揭,但银行家建议我们申请小额定息按揭,信他吗?Or the banker who says we should take a smaller fixed-rate mortgage even though we qualified for a bigger and cheaper ARM?

做了30年定息按揭贷款意味着你每年都要定期还款,这对放贷方的损失更小。Locking into a 30-year loan means you'll pay the same amount in years to come with dollars that are worth less to the lender.

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发行定息债券能延长本集团借贷还款期限,并扩大定息投资者的基础。The issuance of the Fixed Rate Bonds enables the Group to extend its debt maturity profile and broaden its fixed-income investor base.

此举可促进市场多方面使用外汇基金票据及债券,提高定息债券市场的流动性,以及有助减低系统风险。This promotes market-wide use of the Exchange Fund paper, increases the liquidity of fixed-income market and helps reduce systemic risk.

发行定息债券能延长集团借贷到期时间组合,并扩大定息投资者的基础。The issuance of the Fixed Rate Bonds enables the Group to extend its debt maturity profile and to broaden its fixed-income investor base.

选择健康,低胆固醇和牙医保险。选择定息按揭贷款。选择第一间房子。选择你的朋友。Choose good health, low cholesterol and dental insurance. Choose fixed-interest mortgage repayments. Choose a starter home. Choose your friends.

约翰布里格斯,苏格兰皇家银行定息债券分析员,说对欧元地区疲软的成员的担心传播比政府反应的要更快。John Briggs, a fixed income analyst at RBS, said the concerns about weak members of the euro zone are spreading faster than governments can react.

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韦思纳区一个堂区现正推出计划,若有家庭今年诞下第五名孩子,会在孩子名下赠予一万卢比定息存款。A parish in Wayanad district is now offering fixed-rate deposits of 10,000 rupees, held in the name of the fifth child in a family that is born this year.

巴克莱资本的分析师将调整其预测支持MBS的定息借贷提前偿还速度的模型,这反映了MBS提前偿还速度加快的环境.To reflect this faster prepayment climate, Barclays Capital analysts will implement changes to their model that predicts prepayments on fixed-rate loans that support MBS.

摩根斯坦利10年期定息管道贷款的利差是一项反映商业房地产贷款成本的指标。到3月份中旬,该利差已扩大到335个基点,仅2个月之内就增加了200个基点。Morgan Stanley's 10-year fixed conduit spreads, a measure of the cost of commercial real estate lending, widened to 335 basis points in mid-March, a 200-basis-point increase in just two months.