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把抒情的人性韵致“用到我较为熟悉的人事上”。He pats the connived human nature in to our familiar affairs.

或许,我是天生对这些轻微而韵致的东西多那么一份情有独钟的。Perhaps, I was born to these minor while using much more then a show special preference to the.

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既有江南水乡的柔美和韵致,也有国际化大都市的现代与繁华。Shanghai have both the elegance of waterside and the modern feeling of international metropolis.

当他在水中观察墨迹的泛滥与渗透时,他发现了一种与水墨韵致相一致的视觉呈现。He happened to find the visual presentation render exactly the same effect as ink & water does when drops of ink spread and permeate under water, which has amazed him.

大运河沿线的小镇上,茶馆遍布,茶客如蚁,每天清晨,江南水乡的风情韵致就在这袅袅的水烟中迷醉般展开。A small town along the Grand Canal, teahouses all over, patrons, such as ants, each morning, Jiangnan style Yunzhi of the hookah in the curl of intoxication-like start.

苏杭一带才女辈出的人文环境,使他们的爱情萌发于沈复对陈芸才性韵致的倾慕,与任由父母之命捏合的封建婚姻不同。The humane environment that a large number of talent girls come forth in Suzhou and Hangzhou, makes their Love emerge from Shenfu's strong admiration for Chen Yun's talent.

本歌舞秀以日本独有的韵致——风花雪月为主题,展开一连串风格壮丽的舞踊绘卷。The "SEKKASHO, " a look at natural Japanese aesthetics presented in dance, addresses the theme of Japanese elegance through a magnificent picture scroll gracefully unfolding.

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这样还是冷清了点,有些像画家笔下粗拙的写意画,有光影的交错,却少了一分得特别的韵致。This is still deserted the point, and some like the painter's brush Cuzhuo of freehand painting, there is light and shadow in staggered, but less one share of special Yun Zhi.

中国绘画的价值趣味也从绘画性转向了书法性的表达,并建构起以笔墨韵致为中心的理论框架。The value interests of Chinese paintings are shifted from painterliness to calligraphic quality, and the theoretic framework centered on the aura of ink-brush is established since then.

与一般社会政治性极强的小说不同,林语堂的小说具有非常丰富的文化内涵和美学韵致。Lin Yutong' novels, which are different from common novels whose social and political nature are extremely strong, have very plentiful cultural connotation and aesthetic lingering charm.

我很想让新婚的露丝梅莱展示出全部的风采和韵致,将柔和的清辉撒在她那与世无争的人生道路上,撒在所有与她一起走在这条路上的人们身上,并且照进他们的心田。I would show Rose Maylie in all the bloom and grace of early womanhood, shedding on her secluded path in life soft and gentle light, that fell on all who trod it with her, and shone into their hearts.