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无论是锦衣玉食的王子,还是衣不蔽体的流浪儿,只要愿意,就能为自己的人生确立一个目标。Either a prince who lives in luxury or a tramp dressed in rags, can have an aim in life if he will.

无论是锦衣玉食的王子,还是衣不蔽体的流浪儿,只要愿意,就能为自己的人生确立一个目标。Whether to live an extravagant life of a prince, or be in rags wanderer, if willing, you can make a target.

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也许我们并不富裕,也许还在贫困线上苦苦挣扎,也许永远都不可能锦衣玉食、奢侈豪华。Maybe we are not rich, still impoverished line struggling, probably never to live an extravagant life, luxury.

无论是锦衣玉食的王子,还是衣不遮体的流浪儿,只要愿意,就能为自己的人生确定一个目标。Whetherprince, or clothing of children do not, as long as the willing, for their lives will be able to identify a target.

已经拥有了喜欢的男人,又羡慕着别人的锦衣玉食和洋房小车。Man, who have already owned to like, and then envy a small car of the other people's extravagant life and the ocean building.

然而假如你的国家只有一座灰姑娘的城堡,那你会对锦衣玉食的皇室生活趋之若鹜。But when you come from a country where the only castle is Cinderella's, the idea of being near a living, breathing royal family is amazing, magical.

后来颤抖的小德张和李莲英都死了,宫殿还是那么威武,就算皇帝老儿跌下了龙座,宫殿还是那个宫殿,锦衣玉食的还在铺张着。Then they died, the palace was still powerful, even if the emperor fell down from the dragon seat. The palace was the palace, breathing is still stretched out.

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孔子等宣导这些道德标准,试图用这些标准来约束人的行为以求社会秩序,就好比一个人必须要浓妆艳抹才能出门,一个人一定要锦衣玉食才能生活。Confucius advocated these moral criteria and tried to use them to behave people as if a lady wore a heavy makeup to go out or a man living on finery and gourment food.

他们都出生于显赫的上流社会家庭,祖上都是17世纪从北欧来到美国的移民,幼时仆从环伺,锦衣玉食。They belonged to prominent, upper-class families, which had come from Northern Europe to America in the 17th century, and grew up with servants in large luxurious houses.

他们都出生于显赫的上流社会家庭,祖上都是17世纪从北欧来到美国的移民,幼时仆从环伺,锦衣玉食。They belonged to prominent , upper-class families that had come from northern Europe to America in the seventeeth century and grew up with servants in large luxurious houses.