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假如那是真爱。If it is real.

假如我爱上了你。If I loved you.

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假如需要的话,使用毒液。Use Venoms as needed.

是的,假如你喜欢老歌的话。Yes,if you like oldies.

然而,假如红队赢了呢?And if the Red Team wins?

假如我能帮助你,那该是多好啊!If only I could help you!

假如能做你的王子。If I could bo your prince.

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假如他有更多的钱就能…If he had much more money.

假如你走了,我会很沮丧.If you go away, I’ll be blue.

但是,假如你从没有那样做,情况会怎样?But what if you never do that?

假如要让我早一点来,我可以来早一点。I could come earlier if asked.

假如非美国公民赢得奖金如何领取?What if a non-US citizen wins?

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假如生命只是一根枯枝。If the life is just a deadwood.

假如因此我就变成了一个坏女人,那也无所谓。If that makes a bad woman, okay.

假如,让空间更为宽敞。If, make a space more capacious.

假如我已经将自己看作完美的呢?What if I saw myself as perfect?

假如我不忙,我就会来的。If I were not busy, I would come.

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假如事实确实如此,我会很担心。If this is the case, I’m worried.

假如你听到了一个传言。Let's say that you heard a rumor.

假如能给我从新来一次的机会。If gad can give me another chance.