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你在战场上孤独无助?And you in the battle alone?

圣殿武士在战场上的呐喊声。The battle cry of the Templars.

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我们的父老兄弟已身在战场了!Our brethren 11 are in the field!

一些,一些主题用打印着赤焰战场。Some, some subjects typed in red.

这些是州是他们拼杀的“战场”。These are the "battleground" states.

①那是滑铁卢战场上的纪念墩,墩上有个铜狮子,是英普联军在击溃拿破仑后建立的。He was on the battle-field of Waterloo.

战场上枪炮林立。The battlefield was bristled with guns.

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在遥远而多风的特洛亚战场。Far on the ringing plains of windy Troy.

最后的战场,尸横遍野。Last battlefield, littered with corpses.

部队在战场上成扇形散开。The troops fanned out across the fields.

部队正向战场开拔。Troops are moving up to the combat zone.

他们在战场表现很好。They acquitted themselves well in battle.

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瓜达尔港是梦想与现实的相互冲突的战场。Gwadar is where dreams clash with reality.

我们在这场战争中的一个伟大战场上集会。We are met on the battlefield of that war.

我希望在旁边有个同在战场上拼杀过的哥们聊聊天。I want to have an American GI to talk with.

他在战场里的英勇人所共见。His valour in the war war seen by everybody.

便四下里乱逃乱蹿,不敢再留在战场上。They basely fly and dare not stay the field.

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战场上的尘土已然苍白。When all of war's dusts and clamours settle.

战场成了他们的练兵场。The battlefield became their training ground.

这个旧战场实际是一个庆典。The battlefield is, in effect, a celebration.