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生活可能会十分玄妙。Life can be very mysterious.

信仰的玄妙力量。The impalpable power of faith.

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玄妙之处就在开头一句话。It's there in the first sentence.

如果你是,那么你就会知晓其中的玄妙感觉并暗自为你所做到的叫好。If you are you know it and are secretly proud of the fact.

“孩子”是MGMT的第三支单曲的专辑玄妙壮观。Kids" is the third single from MGMT's album Oracular Spectacular."

是,孩儿昨天也是亲眼所见,确实是非常玄妙。BE, baby yesterday is also individually see, definite is very exquisite.

一切麻烦和所有现实都一变而为玄妙空幻、无从捉摸的东西。Troubles and other realities took on themselves a metaphysical impalpability.

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那种感觉似乎比以前还要玄妙一点。That the felling seem to be more even a mini bit extra exquisite than quondam.

三十六在反应堆里也是一个很玄妙的数字,细节就不说了。Thirty-six is also a metaphysical number in nuclear reactor, but no detail will be told.

不仅仅是我们,信奉上帝的西方人也在深切体会着这一玄妙的哲学。Not only us, but also the Westerners believing in God are understanding this mysterious philosophy.

当生命中一切神秘与玄妙都被你打开时,你便开始希冀希望,因为死亡揭开了生命中的另一层神秘。When you have solved all the mysteries of life you long for death, for it is but another mystery of life.

但在愉快真实存在的时候,它是如此的玄妙,如此的原始,你找不到它的缘由。But when the joy is truly there, it is so mysterious, it is so primal, that you cannot find any reason in it.

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就文学范围说,它一般用于指柏拉图式的、深奥的、晦涩的或玄妙的诗歌。In literary contexts, it is applied, generally, to poetry of a platonic, esoteric, recondite, or occult kind.

自然界的现象带给我们许多谜团,让我用其中一个玄妙至极的谜团描述这个凝视。Let me describe it, at its extreme point, by one of the enigmas that the reference to nature presents us with.

我认为这些是从“符合玄妙术语”类型的思考模式中产生的极其不可取的想法。I believe that these are extremely bad ideas that arise mostly out of a "buzzword compliance" style of thinking.

“我倒喜欢成为一枝长春花,”他玄妙地说,“长在峡谷之巅,高唱嘟——啦卢——拉卢。”"I should like to be a periwinkle, " said he, mysteriously, "on the top of a valley, and sing tooralloo-ralloo. "

用心灵去悟茶道的玄妙感受,好比是“月印千江水,千江月不同。”Wu-tea with the soul to the mysterious feeling like a "printed on thousands of the river, on a thousand different Jiang."

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仅仅一墙之隔,人的心境与意境就是如此的截然不同,犹如天地人间,不免感觉生命的玄妙与凄然!Only separated by a wall, the mood and the mood is so different as heaven and earth, unavoidable feel mysterious, and desolate!

你一定预先访察了我哥哥的惨史,现在假装用玄妙的方法,推断出这些事实。You have made inquires into the history of my unhappy brother, and you now pretend to deduce this knowledge in some fanciful way.

事实上,这个词并不玄妙,它在中国话里已成为口头禅,并且有着类似于铁犁划开土地的低沉、肯定的发音。It has become a Chinese pet phrase. The pronunciation of the word is low, with the affirmative character, similar to the sound of plowing.