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纯粹是假造事实。It is a pure fabrication.

没有人能够假造像这样的一份清单。No one could phony a list like that.

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美国是否假造了登月事件?Did the United States fake the moon landings?

背疼,脖子疼和头疼是最容易假造的症状。Back pain, neck pain, and headache are among the easiest to fake.

他的公寓就在莫妮卡的对面,莫妮卡透过窗户可以洞悉这边的动静,于是罗斯假造了一个“班”来骗她。Since Monica can see into his apartment, he makes a "fake Ben" to fool her.

她假造文件欺骗了我,因为她知道年纪限制是55岁以下。She lied to me. She faked documents, knowing that my age limit for single women is 55.

但这些保险大多是假造的,保盛丰的投资基本打了水漂。Most of the insurance was bogus, however, and PEMGroup's investments lost most of their value.

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为了逃离酗酒和虐待他的父亲,哈克假造自己被谋杀,独自离家出走。He escapes from his abusive, alcoholic father by faking his own murder and heading off on his own.

我将被看做是一个没有廉耻的东西,假造出这么一回事,来同我丈夫脱离关系。I should be taken for an impudent creature that had forged such a thing to go away from my husband.

假造麦田圈的人很乐意评论这个语义颠倒现象。他们说这么做带些娱乐性质。Those circle-makers who are prepared to comment on this semantic reversal do so with some amusement.

一位记者同寅同时向我认可,他的顶尖大学学位完全是假造的。A journalist colleague meanwhile admitted to me that his degree from atop university was entirely fictional.

我们发现,近期一连串详细描写麦可杰克森遗体骇人情况的叙述,是假造出来的。We've learned the story making the rounds detailing the terrible condition of Michael Jackson's body is a fake.

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在我们的检查中,我们发现多个不完整、不准确或假造化验室记录的例子。During our inspection, we observed multiple examples of incomplete, inaccurate, or falsified laboratory records.

光靠随机混合音节的假造方式,不可能产生规律性这麽高的文字。A simple "pick and mix" hoax that combines the syllables at random could not produce a text with so many regularities.

想起了第一次写明信片时本人假造的白血病女孩的故事,不由指摘本人。Remembered the first time when I write postcards of leukemia in girl's story adding conjectural, started kept himself.

这使得公众非常愤怒,并要求公开这些考生假造身份的详细的过程。This has enraged the public, and people have asked for disclosure of the detailed process of how the students cheated.

非保险标地假充保险标地属于“假造不曾发作地保险变乱”。" Non-insurance insurance posing as the subject of the subject are "not to have been made up of the accident insurance.

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如今,她站起来面对全班讲话,她知道假造可信的故事有时也会令本人伤感。Now, as she got up to talk before the class, she knew that make-believed stories had some way of coming back to make you sad.

另外一条丑闻是石首的25位学生假造民族身份,他们全部来自当地政府官员家庭。In another case, 25 students,who faked their identity of ethnicity in the city of Shishou, are all from families of local government officials.

假造货币在网络游戏的兴起呈现出中国的年青人喜好电子商务—如果参加便利的话。The rise of virtual currency used in online gaming environments in China shows that Chinese youth love e-commerce—if taking part is convenient.