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请打开闸板防喷器。Open the pipe ram, please.

在开闸放水的那一天,好些人来到了堤坝上。On the day the sluice gate was to be opened, a huge crowd gathered on the banks.

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湖北丹江口大坝开闸泄洪的场景。The scene of flood discharge at Danjiangkou dam, central China's Hubei province.

在去年10月份提高了信贷控制,银行开闸已经很容易了。Credit controls were lifted in October and banks have been quick to turn on the tap.

同时,随着水位的上涨,当地有关部门对主要水库进行开闸放水。Meanwhile, local authorities are releasing water from major reservoirs as water levels rise.

银监会开闸并购贷款之后,各大银行目前正在紧锣密鼓地制定相关细则。CBRC opening M &A lending, major banks at present is redoubling its efforts to formulate rules.

一个泄水口的龙门吊受到轻微破坏,所有闸门在震后都可以开闸放水。One of the spillway gantries was slightly damaged. However, all gates could be opened after the shaking.

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韩国谨慎,一直指称开闸放水事件是一次“水攻”。South Korean authorities have been careful to avoid explicitly labeling the release as a "water attack."

融资和再融资的重新开闸,对于A股市场而言,其威胁绝对不亚于上述任何一道封锁线。Financing and refinancing of the re-opening, the A-share market, the threat is no less than any of a blockade.

他的入侵曾一度被击退,因为荷兰人,真的"开闸泄洪",大水把法军淹得够呛His invasions at one time are turned back when they literally open the dykes and flood the French armies back.

尼泊尔不能在洪水的时候命令开闸,也不能在旱季的时候供应灌溉用水。Nepal cannot order the opening of gates during floods or the supply of irrigation waters during the dry season.

韩国正在修建水利系统来缓解类似这样的开闸放水行动,但要到明年才能完成。South Korea is building other hydrological systems to mitigate such a release, but they won't be ready until next year.

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它还意味着沙特本已不宽裕的剩余产能被开闸放水,而这也是导致油价高企的另一个原因。It would also mean delving into Saudi Arabia's already thin spare capacity, which has been another goad for upward prices.

三峡大坝被迫减少发电,开闸,向下游地区供水。The Three Gorges dam has been forced to cut hydropower generation and open its sluice gates to provide more water to downstream areas.

为降低密西西比河洪峰,近四十年中,摩根萨溢洪道首次开闸泄洪。The Morganza Spillway floodgates were opened for the first time in nearly forty years to lower the crest of the flooding Mississippi River.

举措被是平壤表示友好的,韩国对北韩开闸放水人员伤亡的事件仍然余怒未消。The move is widely seen as part of a broader charm offensive by Pyongyang, but comes as South Korea remains angry at a flood the North caused.

当需要用电时,开闸放水下山,水带动涡轮机组转动发电。The water is held back by a dam until the energy is needed, when it is released down the hill, turning turbines and generating electricity on the way.

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如此大笔的资金向国内私人资本业开闸,势将推动更多的中国收购交易商转向国内人民币基金。The huge pool of capital opened to the domestic private equity industry will encourage more Chinese deal makers to turn to onshore, yuan-denominated funds.

韩国担心,朝鲜突然开闸放水会将首尔部分地区淹没,于是赶紧建立了一个顺流区的抗洪坝,名为“和平大坝”。South Korea feared that a sudden release of water from the dam could submerge part of Seoul, and hurried to build a counter-dam downstream called Peace Dam.

在中国的所有大坝将开闸,而甲米地省不会得到任何放到甲米地省的水,更不用说这个特别的干枯的鱼塘。All the dams in China could be opened up, and Cavite province would not get any water from the release into Cavite, much less this particular dried fish pond.