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红牛拥有了能量饮料品类,星巴克占据了高端咖啡品类,而Google则完全掌控了搜索领域。Red Bull dominates the energy-drink category.

什么是热贡艺术?热贡艺术的艺术品类主要有哪些?What is Regong Art?What are the major sorts of the Regong Art works?

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“国药准字”是药品类,具有治疗相关病变的作用。"Medicine" is approved by the drug class with treatment of the disease.

本实用新型属文具用品类。The utility model belongs to the class of stationary and office supplies.

徐冰仍然为所有与绘画过程相关的艺术品类工作着。Xu Bing is still working on Art projects which al have to do with the printing process.

提出了一种基于品类聚类的关联规则优化算法。A category-based algorithm is proposed in this paper to enhance mining association rules.

市场营销的目标并不在于创造一个品牌,而是占领一个品类。The objective of a marketing program is not to build a brand, but to dominate a category.

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粉盒是外销瓷的一个品类,它以美观、实用,受到海内外人民的喜爱。The porcelain box was a type of exported porcelains, people at home and abroad were like it.

不吃那些品类丰富的包装食品,就更少地增加垃圾。Eating foods that don’t come with copious amounts of packaging saves from adding to landfill.

这个背后的东西就是我们一个核心竞争力,也是这个品类一个门槛。The thing of this backside is us competition ability of a core, also be this category a doorsill.

或许开创一个尼古丁口味的口香糖品类,会使万宝路这个品牌继续存在。Maybe the nicotine-flavored chewing gum category will make the Marlboro brand worth a few dollars.

熟悉日化、服纺、杂货、食品等品类的经营管理。Be familiar with dealing in daily chemical consumable, textiles and garments, chandlery , foodstuff.

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是宣布使用在模型的玻璃饰品类,这使审美高兴和保护。Is declared use in the model of glass jewelry class, which gives aesthetical pleasure and protection.

人造棉与人棉绉两大品类,是人们乐于享用的大众夏装面料。Rayon and rayon crepe two main categories, is that people are happy to enjoy the popular summer fabrics.

产品向多茶类、多品类整合营销是茶商经营的发展趋势。Products to the tea category, category of integrated marketing is the trend of development of tea business.

我们着重强调主张在仓库保持大量的文具用品类存货以满足最终消费的需求。We emphasize on maintaining large stock house of office stationery products to meet end-consumer requirements.

惠山泥人,是一种植根于民间、取材于民间又为群众所喜闻乐见的传统民间工艺,品类众多,样式繁杂。As a type of traditional folk art, Huishan clay figurine comes from among the people and is very popular as well.

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散文作为表现艺术的一个重要品类,它无疑是人类省视内心、观照心灵的最佳形式。Prose as performance art, an important category, it is the human heart, the soul meditation reflection best form.

中国人带来了品类繁多、由不为欧洲人所知的先进工艺生产的材料制作的精美丝绸和瓷器。the Chinese bring a selection of fine silk and porcelain, materials created by advanced processes unknown in Europe.

主要经营进口食品、酒类,饮料类以及日用快速消费品类等为一体的贸易公司。Mainly engaged in import of food, wine, drinks, and daily Fast Moving Consumer Goods become one flesh trading company.