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选择那些不起皱褶的衣物。Choose wrinkle-free clothes.

买个好的皱褶喷雾。Invest in a good wrinkle spray.

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褶做的装饰的皱褶。To make into a ruffle or frill.

你能把这些皱褶弄平吗?Can you smooth these folds away?

她弄平了床单上的皱褶。Thesheets on my bed have rucked up.

她的裙子在腰际成皱褶收拢。Her skirt had bunched up round her waist.

她弄平了床单上的皱褶。She smoothed away the creases from a bedsheet.

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她把桌布上的皱褶弄平。She smoothed out wrinkles out of the tablecloth.

孩子的衣服在领口处打着整齐的皱褶。The child's dress is neatly gathered at the neck.

这有可能是膝关节皱褶病变的症状噢!This may be symptoms of Knee Joint Plica Syndrome!

她用电熨斗把皱褶烫平。She smoothed the creases out with an electric iron.

黄斑区脉络膜皱褶提示张力减退。Choroidal folds in the macular area suggest hypotony.

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但这会使衣服相接触而起皱褶。It is contact between clothes which creates wrinkles.

背斜的岩石皱褶,核心部有柱状盐填充。An anticlinal fold with a columnar salt plug at its core.

你准备好看处于完全恐吓模式下的皱褶蜥蜴了吗?Are you ready to see the frilled lizard in full scare mode?

这件粉红色细皱褶的雪纺纱罩衫有点太引人注目了。This fuchsia ruche chiffon blouse is a little too dramatic.

沙皮究竟是怎样拥有著名的皱褶外形的?。Just how did the Shar-pei get its famous wrinkled appearance?

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贴膜效果佳,表面无气泡,无皱褶。Foil good effect, the surface without air bubbles, no wrinkles.

的另一种效应就是把环的边缘弄得像扇形皱褶。Yet another effect of repulsive gravity is to scallop ring edges.

当你略微增肥,额外的脂肪会填补脸上的皱褶和细纹。When you do this, the weight gain fills the creases and lines on the face.