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四野无人既城堡!The Castle with no body!

游吟歌手漫步四野。The minstrel wandered far and wide.

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花儿,百花齐放,香飘四野。Flowers, blossom Fragrance Spreading Shino.

花儿,百花齐放,喷鼻飘四野。Flowers, blossom Fragrance Spreading Shino.

这一年春天,家乡的桃花开遍了四野。That spring, home of the peach blossom all over the vast area.

东北野战军改为第四野战军,辖四个兵团。And the northeast field army was renamed the fourth field army comprising4armies.

你尽可放目四野,饱览“江山如此多娇”的秀容美貌。Put your head fieldwork where possible, enjoy the "land so, " the show tolerance beauty.

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黄花在八月中旬含苞欲放,待到九月初花重四野,遍地金黄。Goldenrod comes by mid-August, but rises to a peak of golden abundance in early September.

靠近,坐在山路边,四野菊花抢入眼,芳香无限。Near, sit at the mountain road, chrysanthemum rob fields of contact with eyes, aromatic infinite.

他们尽最大的努力来处理好自己的城堡和四野乡村的事务。They managed the affairs of their castle and the surrounding country to the best of their ability.

四野对穿模式显示出直肠接受剂量与受照体积呈反向相关关系。In the 4field box model, the irradiation dose had a reverse correlation with the volume received by the rectum.

南乔治亚――大海中升起的峭壁荒原,南极巅峰、冰原和浮游冰层绵延百里笼罩四野。South Georgia rises sheer and stark from the sea, a hundred-mile arc of dark Antarctic peaks, ice fields, and hanging glaciers.

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雅各在四野无人之地过了一夜,连神也似乎丢弃了这地方,然而雅各却在这里看到天门的异象。Jacob spent the night in no-man's land. Even God seemed to have forsaken this place. But here Jacob saw a vision of heaven's gate.

整个大地四野无声,像是已慑服在夜的威武之下。明朗的月光洒在我身上,心坦然舒心。Siye silent throughout the land, such as has Shefu in the night under powerful. Uncertainties in the moonlight onto me, frankly Shuxin heart.

正是在原本戏台后,是一片更加空旷的场地,晚风乍起,月华朦朦,星垂四野。BE accurate after aboriginal melodramatic stage, is a more open spaces one place, the breeze late suddenly mushrooms, month China Meng Meng, the star hangs open countryside.

清晨,起早的人惊喜了,这如油的春驱去了寒冰冻雪,浇灌了四野八方,小草拱出了新芽,树枝挂满了绿点。Early in the morning, get up early surprise people, and this is like spring flooding of oil went cold frozen snow, watered Shino Plus, grass arch out of the bud, branches are covered with a green dot.