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他的角看起来非常尖利。His horns look very sharp.

还有狂野而尖利的号角。And the bugle wild and shrill.

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鸥鸟尖利的歌声那样清澈。Shrill song of gulls scavenging.

汽车停下时刹车发出尖利的声音。The brakes screeched as the car stopped.

尖音小号,号角中世纪号角,能发出尖利、清晰的音响。A medieval trumpet with a shrill clear tone.

它的牙齿很尖利,是为咀嚼昆虫准备的。Its teeth were sharp and built for eating insects.

老鹰将他尖利的爪子扎进我细嫩的肉里。The eagle dug its sharp claws into my tender flesh.

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他们有短粗的尾巴和长而尖利的犬齿。They have short, stubby tails and long, sharp fangs.

但哨兵不允许,还拿尖利的矛头刺伤了他。But they would not, and pricked him with their spears.

他们牙齿尖利,畏惧阳光。They have sharp fang-like teeth and have to avoid sunlight.

你不能让他拿到尖利的东西刀剪子。I need you to keep him away from sharp objects-knives, scissors.

他长着布满血丝的眼睛,尖利的牙齿和一个鹰钩鼻,但没有尾巴。He has bloodshot eyes, pointed teeth and a hooked nose, but no tail.

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大而尖利的犬齿是食肉动物的特征。Especially large, sharp canine characterizes the carnivorous animals.

可水洗,勿近尖利器物,以免钩坏蕾丝面料。Can be washed , not near to sharp objects, so as to avoid hook lace fabric.

她们的声音在排卵期也有变化,变得更尖利刺耳。Even women's voices change, becoming more high-pitched when they are fertile.

原始人用尖利的石块和兽骨为自己制作原始的工具。Primitive man made himself primitive tools from sharp stones and animal bones.

对我们来说,懒散的日子在第二天下午被一阵尖利的口哨声打断了。For us, the slothful spell was broken on our second afternoon by a shrill whistle.

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当时,马克正在为名流云集的庆典提供食物,忽然他听到了尖利刺人的声音。Mark was catering for the celebrity-filled ceremony when he heard a caustic voice.

她立即意识到他的语调变得——尖利,那种由于迷恋发出的亲密的声音。She recognized his intonation immediately — the edgy, intimate sound of obsession.

这些人声包括低吼,更有力的中音咆哮,还有尖利的高音。There's the low growl, the more intense medium growl, and the high-pitched screech.