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如有需求请来函来电!If demand please call letters!

优达因感谢您的来电。Thank you for calling Yoyodyne.

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我需要它帮我过滤来电者.I need it to filter out callers.

我将等待您的来电。I will be waiting for your call.

忘了查来电者的身份。Forgot to check their caller I.D.

感谢您的来电,再见!Thank you for your calling. Byebye!

欢迎海外各界朋友来电求租。Welcome overseas friends call Qiuzu.

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请即来电邮告知,该货物应如何处理。Please email us as to their disposal.

欢迎诚信客商来人来电洽谈。Sincere welcome customers for palaver.

欢迎来函来电咨询翻译公司。Welcome to consult by letter or phone.

游戏娱乐,移动QQ,来电答录功能。Game fun, mobile QQ, answering machine.

但不知道怎么回事,你就是不来电。But for whatever reason, you don't click.

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把你的所有来电都转到语音信箱。Screen all your calls through voice mail.

当我看见来电者的号码,我不禁要叹一口气。As I checked the number displayed, I sigh.

上下快速拨动电灯开关看看是否来电了。Diddle the switch see if the light comes on.

欢迎广大商友来电咨询。洽谈!Welcome to the Friends of inquire. negotiate!

在一个工作日内回复所有的来电。Answer all your calls within one business day.

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欢迎新老客户来电来函洽谈合作事宜。Welcome to talk about the cooperation with us.

内容我们今天太阳好大,中午还停了会电,不过一会就来电。Today, at the sun is stopped, but will it calls.

欢迎各届人士来人、来电垂询!We welcome all enquiries, in person or by phone!