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试着摹仿她的风格。Try to copy her style.

摹仿的作品完成之后,一般不在本地出售。Imitate after the completion of the works, not the general sale locally.

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它不象学者所写而且是摹仿的,并且提出很多不能解答的问题。It is unscholarly and derivative , and raises a lot of unanswered questions.

第三章主要是分析阿多诺形成其独特的摹仿理论的思想基础。Chapter Three deals with Adorno's other thoughts that are related to his mimesis theory.

第二大栖息地是摹仿白鲸的自然生活环境而设计的。The second largest habitat was designed to copy the natural environment of beluga whales.

基于这种隐喻性假设,当代课程观可归纳为“摹仿型”与“间离型”两种基本类型。With the new reform of basic education curriculum, the curriculum concept differs from the past.

伪造者必须查出被摹仿者生于何处,生平在哪里活动过,在哪里留有传闻。Forged must be found to be imitate those born where life where activities have, where left hearsay.

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16世纪的米兰,许多人摹仿达·芬奇,但这些摹仿者与达·芬奇水平相去甚远。Leonardo had many imitators in 16th century Milan but their efforts are miserably below his standard.

美国批评家艾布拉姆斯用“镜”比喻作家对自然的摹仿,用“灯”比喻作家投射的情感之光。Abrams, an American critic, compared the writers imitation of nature to Mirror and his feelings to light.

“摹仿”论在中国和西方都曾受到类似的质疑,原因大体相似。Additionally, mimesis has been queried either in ancient China or in Western, with roughly the same causes.

论文第五章,对摹仿的本源性含义和中国诗学中的“兴”的含义进行了比较。On the chapter five, it compares the endogenous meaning of the mimesis and the "evocation" in Chinese poetry.

儿童的审美移情的发生机制主要是同构、联想、内摹仿和心境的作用。The aesthetic empathy of children is instinctive and has the characteristic of equating in selfhood with substance.

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让人怅惘的是,散步美学的方法虽令人向往却无从摹仿。But what makes people disconsolate is that it is hard to imitate the method of Walking Aesthetics despite its charms.

论文第一章描述了通常关于摹仿的认识,以及对此类摹仿的批评和反对的三种态度。The chapter one describes the usual recognize about mimesis, and the three attitudes to criticize and opposite such mimesis.

论文第三章,回到摹仿的本源进行考察,揭示出摹仿被后人所遗忘的源初含义。The chapter three returns to the origin of the mimesis, reveals the original meaning of the mimesis which is forgotten later.

与你有关的那段青春,像咆哮而过的火车,从此以后的糊口,只能凭记忆摹仿。And you about the passage of youth, like and a roar of the train, and from then on the mouth, only in imitation of the memory.

像“形意拳”,它的主要套路多是摹仿一些动物的捕食及自卫动作而成。Like "Shape and Thought Boxing", its main skills and tricks mainly copy the movements of some animals' preying and self defense.

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一遍一遍地通听你选择的部分,但当你在描绘小人儿的身体语言时,用你的脸和身体来摹仿它。Listen to the passage you selected over and over, but as you picture the body language of the little person, emulate it with your face and body.

摹仿演练与双钢琴演练是指挥教学中的重要手段,也是指挥学习中从准备环节到排练环节的一个重要转换过程。Imitating conducting and Piano Duet conducting are two important drills in teaching, and a key switching process from preparatory phase to rehearsal.

自我摹仿笔迹是一种新出现特殊的摹仿笔迹,由于其自摹仿的特殊性而使得鉴定人容易产生识别与判断的错误。The copying of one's own handwriting is a new form of copying, which usually results in the identifier'smistakes due to its self-copying peculiarities.