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穿上开士米和丝绸。Wear cashmere and silk.

丝绸摸起来很滑。The silk feels very soft.

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丝绸容易起皱。Silk cloth rumples easily.

丝绸摸上去又软又滑。Silk feel soft and smooth.

他穿着丝绸衣服。He attired himself in silk.

丝绸摸上去又滑又软。Silk feels smooth and soft.

丝绸摸上去又软又滑。Silk feels soft and smooth.

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丝绸摸上去很滑爽。The silk feels very smooth.

她的丝绸连衣裙是天蓝色的。Her silk dress was sky-blue.

她佩戴着一条丝绸围巾。She is wearing a silk scarf.

这件女衫是丝绸做的。This blouse is made of silk.

她轻轻地触摸丝绸。She fingered the silk gently.

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这件丝绸连衣裙很容易烫平。This silk dress presses well.

我们有丝绸的和棉质的。We have silk and cotton ones.

我把丝绸睡衣送给了她。I gave her the silk nightgown.

这丝绸摸上去柔软光滑。The silk has a soft smooth feel.

内有一层皮衬,柔如丝绸。Lined with a skin as soft as silk.

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如果我有一件丝绸衣裳就好了!"If I only had a silk!" sighed Meg.

刺绣是为了装点丝绸面料。It is for decorating the silk fabric.

她穿了一件薄得透明的丝绸衬衣。She dressed a transparent silk blouse.