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传代培养细胞不能增生。The subculture could not be established.

能抚慰乳腺增生发育。To assuage the development of mammary hyperplasia.

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乳腺增生不能喝蜂蜜水吗?。Cannot mammary gland hyperplasia drink honey water?

目的分析肥大细胞增生症病例。Objective To analyze three cases with mastocytosis.

自穿通伤口向玻璃体内有明显的纤维组织增生。Fibroplasia was visible from wound to vitreous body.

子宫、卵巢组织发生不同程度的增生与充血。Hyperplasia and hyperemia existed in matrix and ovary.

怎样防止手术后疤痕增生?。The scar after how preventing an operation is proliferous?

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单一河口坝砂体内部发育河口坝增生体。The inner single debouch bar develops accretion sand bodies.

乳腺纤维瘤属于乳腺增生吗?Does mammary gland fibroma belong to mammary gland hyperplasia?

本组10例伴轻至中度网硬蛋白纤维增生现象。Reticulin fibres were mild to moderately increased in 10 cases.

VG染色示肿瘤细胞周围有纤维组织反应增生。The fibrous tissues aroud the tumor cells were positive for VG.

中间型细胞及血管周细胞增生。The hyperplasia of intermediate cells and pericytes was present.

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有很少的分裂象,无异型性及纤维组织增生。There is minimal mitotic activity, no atypia and no desmoplasia.

我的慢性病引起了组织增生、贫血和淋巴水肿。I had hyperplasia, anemia, and lymphedema from a chronic disease.

非典型增生部分呈弱阳性表达。Some thyroid atypical proliferation showed weak positive staining.

目的探讨恶性组织细胞增生症的X线表现。Objective To study X-ray manifestations of malignant histiocytosis.

右锁骨残端活检示淋巴管增生。Right clavicle biopsy exibited vascular hyperplasia in bone marrow.

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毛细血管内皮细胞增生及细胞连接增宽等。Schwanns cells proliferated and unmyelinated nerve fiber decreased.

医生告诉她,她得了单核细胞增生症,并给她提供了一些建议。The doctor informed her that she had mono and gave her some advice.

缺氧直接刺激网状内皮系统增生。Hypoxia directly causes growing of the mononuclear phagocyte system.