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每部法律都有漏洞。Each law has its loophole.

小漏洞会使一条船沉没。Little leaks sink the ship.

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我希望你已经发现了其中的漏洞。I hope you have spotted the flaw.

你看到在研究中还有那些漏洞?What holes do you see in the research?

然后传说开始有漏洞了And then there were cracks in the myth.

但是,防火墙还是有颇多漏洞的。The Great Firewall has plenty of holes.

是时候发布一个魅人的修复漏洞的快照了!It's time for a charming bug fix snapshot!

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安全性漏洞不断被发现并打补丁。Security flaws are discovered and patched.

出现了新漏洞和新威胁。New vulnerabilities and new threats emerge.

他们堵住了那些法案中的漏洞。They tightened the loopholes in those acts.

比如说,寻找比赛规则的漏洞。Looking for loop holes in the contest rules.

但是这件皇帝的新行头还是有些漏洞。But the emperor’s new outfit has a few holes.

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这就是白头海雕所需要的漏洞。It was as much slack as the Bald Eagle needed.

我们的制度就是漏洞,穆斯林就是脏水。Our regime is the leak, the Muslims the water.

这是这个说法的第二个漏洞So there's two things wrong with the argument.

Goolge已经针对该漏洞发布了一个补丁。Goolge has now released a patch for this issue.

第二,它的覆盖面有一些漏洞。Secondly, there are some holes in its coverage.

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雨水从房顶的漏洞哗啦啦地流了进来。The rain was pouring through a hole in the roof.

在他那番站不住脚的论点中找漏洞是很容易的。It was easy to pick holes in his flimsy argument.

你在你们的讲义上找不到漏洞对吗?You won't find these bugs in your handout, right?