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别无选择?What's the mix?

我除了同意以外别无选择。I had no option but to agree.

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除了等待,我们别无选择。We had no choice but to wait.

在这个问题上我们别无选择。We had no choice in the matter.

我除了服务别无选择!I- I have no choice but to obey!

但除了周而复始,就别无选择。But there is no choice but to go on.

她料定我们别无选择。She knows that we have no option now.

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贝里克别无选择,只要答应他。Bellick had no choice but promised him.

郈已别无选择,只好回家。Hou Yi had no choice but to return home.

乙别无选择只能宣告破产。B had no choice but to declare bankruptcy.

最终他别无选择,只能-----这份工作。At last he had no choice but ------the job.

我们现在别无选择,不成功便成仁!We now have no choice—we win, or we perish!

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许多掏粪工说他们别无选择。Many scavengers say they have no alternative.

因此,“霍布森的选择”实际上是指别无选择。Thus, a Hobson's choice was really no choice.

他别无选择,只有在那个小旅店中住一宿了。He had no choice but to kip in that small inn.

罗伯除了留在家里外就别无选择。Robert had no alternative but to stay at home.

但是伯南克说,在这件事上别无选择。But Bernanke said there is no choice in this case.

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但是我还是想知道你为什么说自己别无选择。But I wonder why you feel that you have no choice.

我别无选择,只能背水一战。I was left with no choice but to fight my way out.

那么没礼貌,我别无选择,只能走开了!She is so impolite that I had no choice but leave!