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我太忙了,为这操心,为那操心的乐趣。I'm too busy worrying to be fun.

他能做好,这用不着我操心。He could do it, nor need I worry.

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你不要再瞎操心了。You need to quit all that worrying.

你不必为孩子们操心。You needn't worry about the children.

我同意这样的说法,但这样的事情轮不上我来操心。I agree with this, but it does bother me.

你没有要操心的TPS报告吗?Don’t you have a TPS report to take care of?

现在不管他留还是走,我都不会太操心了。I’m now not too bothered if he stays or goes.

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不要为明年的事儿瞎操心了。Don't borrow trouble by worrying about next year.

现在你还是个孩子,还只为自己的意中人操心哪。You’re just a child and bothered about your beaux.

但我何必为商人、工程师们操心?But why should I care for businessmen or engineers?

孩子肯定使人操心,但纷歧定带来安慰。Children are certain cares, but uncertain comforts.

别犯傻了,你不过是在瞎操心。Don't be absurd—you're just worrying about nothing.

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每天都有大的烦恼或小的操心。Each day has its own great grief or its little care.

但我何必为商人、工程师们操心?But why should I bother about businessman or engineer.

不用瞎操心,我们会及时完成工作的。Do stop flapping about,we'll get the job done in time.

然而Oxitec的研究人员们似乎并不操心这事。That doesn't seem to bother the researchers at Oxitec.

他们有他们自己的挑战和生活去操心呢。They have their own challenges and lives to worry about.

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你可以很容易的重新配置CXF,无需操心XML。You can reconfigure CXF easily without mucking with XML.

没有多少人会为你的牙痛操心的。"Not many would bother with your toothache, " Davo said.

印度网速多少?别操心中国网速慢了。But what about India internet speed? Dont worry for China.