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做思想的哑巴圣徒。Be crazy dumb saint of the mind.

只有哑巴才妒忌多嘴的人。Only the dumb envy the talkative.

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如有人问起,你就装哑巴。If anyone asks you, just dummy up.

又哑巴,让我们有更多的哑口无声。And dumb, let's have some more dumb.

原谅我是个哑巴不会说心里话。Forgive me a dumb not to tell the truth.

和哑巴一起工作,明显是困难的。Working with a dumb is obviously difficult.

反对阵营反驳说这是“哑巴”网络。The opposing camp argued for “dumb” networks.

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后来生了三个孩子都是哑巴。Later in his life he hand 3 sons-all were mute.

大多数人一开口便成为哑巴。Most people don't dumb till they start talkin'.

哑巴吃黄连,有苦说不出。And I drink coptis, also can't speak the bitterness.

聋子闻声哑巴说瞎子看见了爱情。The deaf hear mute said the blind saw loveqiywm. cn.

我在想不会说话的人,也就是人们所说的哑巴是怎么生活的。I'm thinking of how the mutes go through their lives.

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而我们英法专业的学生一个个像个哑巴。However, we English and French students were like mutes.

姐经已系哑巴咗,唔通还得食黄连唔成?Sister is already dumb, and it still fails I eat Coptis?

如果听说关过不了,就真的成了“哑巴英语”。If you have not heard off, to really become a "dumb English."

首席信息官和博客主布莱德·埃萨克写给哑巴小男人。Written for Dumb Little Man by Brad Isaac, a CIO and blogger.

人们总是说多么幸福的一对哑巴夫妻!The people said, That pair of how happy mute husband and wive !

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人们说,“那一对哑巴夫妻多么幸福啊!”The people said,That pair of how happy mute husbands and wives!

就算她是个哑巴,就算她不会说话,可她总能笑一笑吧?Even if she is a mute and cannot speak, she could at least laugh.

于是热情的哑巴用拇指拨弄谦卑男子的伞.Thus the enthusiastic dumb man thumbed the humble man’s umbrella.