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自然景观勾勒贵族生活摹本。The natural landscape outlined Duplication aristocratic life.

传真是原件的摹本,看上去与原件一模一样。A fax is a facsimile of the original, and looks exactly like it.

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他的个人立场和态度,首先体现在对“摹本”的选择上。His attitude and position shows on the choosing for the copy firstly.

如果做得好,那么这个小摹本就能把握到更大的整体的某种整体性。If done well, the miniature captures some integrity of the larger whole.

从某种意义上看,中国的现代化进程就是以西方为摹本的西化过程。In a sense, Chinese modernization was wholly modeled after the Western civilization.

这种理想化的摹本是对实际情况的简单然而有用的近似。This idealized version provides a simple but useful approximation to the real situation.

三位歌唱家用歌声塑造了令人信服的“卡门”形象,为后辈提供了精彩的演唱摹本。The three singers succeeded in image-building of Carmen what supplied to vocal scholars splendid copys.

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辩证逻辑是自然辩证法的摹本。在科学实验的基础上提出确定过程突变的系统方法。On the basis of scientific experiment, a system method of determining on process of sudden change was proposed.

野牛和弯镖是西班牙奥维多省哥伦布里斯附近品达洞穴里的彩画摹本。The bison and boomerangs are a facsimile of a painting in pindal cave near colombres, province of oviedo, spain.

但实践中生活和游戏却被生硬割裂,甚至生活变成了“日常生活”的摹本。However, reality and recreation are separated crudely in practice, or even reality becomes the copy of daily life.

一方面,世间之美是天国之美的反映,世俗之爱是神圣之爱的摹本。On the one hand, earthly beauty is the reflection of heavenly beauty and secular love is the copy of the sacred love.

在买珠宝、太阳眼镜、香水、手提包此类商品时,谨防赝品、摹本和仿制品。Beware of reproductions, replicas and counterfeits when shopping for collectibles, jewelry, sunglasses, fragrances and handbags.

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诗歌、绘画所描绘的艺术世界,只是相的“摹本的摹本”、“影子的影子”。The artistic world described in poems and paintings, is only the 'copy of the copy', and the 'shadow of the shadow' of the idea.

包括玉版的定名依据、玉版的年代及相关器物研究、玉版的书体风格以及玉版的摹本。Including on which basis we call it the jade document of Qin Yin, the times of the document, the character style and its paper copy.

因此,为当今的中国农村教育提供了一个可资借鉴的摹本。Therefore, the ideas of Yan Yangchu's Chinese characteristics of rural education provides a copy reference for rural education today.

据新华社报道,周六,在北京举行的中国嘉德秋季拍卖会上,书法家王羲之一款罕见的手书摹本卖了3.08亿元。A rare hand scroll by calligrapher Wang Xizhi was sold Saturday for 308 million yuan at the autumn auction of China Guardian in Beijing, Xinhua reports.

简言之,概念并非因为是“事物”的“摹本”而具有“客观”意义,它们作为集成的规则本身就是一切客观性的基础。In short, not because the concept of the "things" and "copy" and have "objective" meaning, as the rules of integration itself is the basis of all objectivity.

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认为美本身是事物之所以美的根本原因,艺术是以美本身为原型的现实世界的摹本,美与艺术分属理念世界和艺术世界,彼此分离。He thought that beauty itself was the reason to create beauty, and art was the copy of realistic world modeled by beauty itself and that beauty and art belonged to two separated world.

就我所知,无一例外,尽管有些人能很好的制作出摹本,但英语原版诗歌从不在首次印刷的时候,把行数印在页边空白处。As far as I know -- I know of no exception, although someone may well be able to produce one no original poem in English had ever been published with line numbers in the margin in its very first printing.