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成排的高大树木成为道路的界线。Tall trees bordered the road.

这里有成排的赌桌。There are rows of gaming tables.

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将所有的石头沿着地边整齐地放成排。Put all rocks in a neat row around the edges.

当我醒来时,我发现树已成排地被种好了。When I woke up, I found the trees planted in line.

人行道上挤满了成排睡着的流动工人。Rows of sleeping migrant workers fill the sidewalks.

然而现在,她只看到了成排的电脑和小桌子。But this one had a wall of computers and little desks.

美国科罗拉多州,成行成排的冬小麦绵亘不绝。Rows of winter wheat wind their way to the Colorado horizon.

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公共工程车辆成排地往平板车上装沙子。Public works trucks line up to load sand onto their flatbeds.

成排根部壅土的树,像挡水坝一样改变了地面径流过程。The runoff process on hillside is affected by hedgerow network.

香帐簇成排窈窕,金针穿罢拜婵娟。Hong account cluster rows slim, lovely lilies to wear worship strike.

住宅与联立成排的房子十分相似,上面没有其他的出租房。The residences are similar to row houses, with no other tenants living above.

在城区的的东部,成排的桃树在春天芳菲四溢,远近闻名。Cherry trees famous for their spring blossoms line the Eastern edge of the site.

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空中的栈道架在烤干的土地上,成排的船只在此搁浅。Stilted walkways stood on baked earth and rowing boats lay stranded on the ground.

在保管室内,是成排成排的搁架,架子上面是贴有标签的盒子。Inside the room are rows upon rows of shelves, each one with labeled boxes on them.

瑞士特舒亚巧克力公司内,成排的松露巧克力被涂上了巧克力外衣。Rows of truffles are coated in chocolate at Switzerland's Teuscher Chocolate Company.

她对正在成排摇动臀部练习舞步的瑞士游客喊道。" she shouts to the rows of Swiss visitors as they roll their hips and practice their steps.

他还说,塔饶海滨的旅游胜地有成排的街头摊贩卖树虫。He adds that the tourist hotspot of Taraw Beach is lined with street vendors selling tamilok.

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其中的一些山上坐落着橄榄树和成排的侧柏环绕的房子,而这些侧柏通往这座房子。On some of them stood houses surrounded by olives and rows of cypresses leading to the house.

海口的街道两旁耸立着成排的椰子树,海口也被叫着“椰城”。The streets of Haikou are lined with coconut palms. Haikou is also called "the coconut city".

他们成排坐着,用戴着手套的手拿起炽热的玻璃,将它绕在一个圆筒上。They sit in rows, taking hot glass into their gloved hands and spinning it around a cylinder.