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我上周便打了流感预防针。I had a flu shot last week.

肺炎预防针是非常安全的。Pneumonia vaccine is very safe.

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他本应先打预防针的。He ought to have been inoculated.

你打霍乱预防针了吗?。Have you HAD your cholera jabs yet?

你打过霍乱预防针吗?。Have you have your cholera jab yet?

你是来这注射A型肝炎预防针的吗?So you're here for a hepatitis A shot?

她到医院去打预防针…She went to the hospital to be inoculated.

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我们和医生约定明天去打预防针。We shot the doctor agreed to play tomorrow.

医疗工作者在尼泊尔为婴儿注射预防针。A health worker immunizes an infant in Nepal.

你是否知道或者认为你需要打预防针?Do you know or think you need a tetanus shot?

你曾打过三种以上不同的预防针吗?Have you received three or more vaccinations?

全球枕戈待旦最好的方法,就是打疫苗预防针。One of the best ways to do so is vaccination.

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艾森豪威尔,预防针,英国新女王。Eisenhower, vaccine, England's got a new queen.

你儿子应当注射预防天花的预防针。Your son ought to be inoculated against smallpox.

没有钟嘉欣的日子,您注射了预防针吗?。Days without Linda, have you gotten your vaccination?

孩子们将去医院打预防针。The children are going to the hospital to be inoculated.

被猫爪抓到了要打预防针么?。Was caught by feline claw should hit precautionary needle?

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他打预防针,希望没有什么副作用。He gets a vaccination. I hope there aren't any side effects.

作为一种预防疾病的措施,人们应该打预防针。As a prevention against diseases people should be inoculated.

准备出国者均需注射伤寒预防针。Everyone who is going abroad will need to be immunised against typhoid.