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这个小插曲对欧洲人应是个警讯。The episode should serve as a warning to Europeans.

对中国来说,赞比亚发生的事情应该是一个警讯。For China, events in Zambia should be a warning sign.

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这是轻率发表推文的最新警讯。It is the latest warning of the dangers of indiscreet tweeting.

他对商业载人太空飞行界提出两个警讯。He had two warnings for the commercial human spaceflight community.

挂念是一个警讯,显示神已被推到一旁。Worry is the warning light that God has been shoved to the sideline.

粗鲁、激进、过份亲热的行为就可能是警讯。Warning signs may be pushy, rude, aggressive or over-familiar behaviour.

所收集的个人资料,祇供少年警讯之用。The collected personal data is solely used for activities of Junior Police Call.

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发现上述任一警讯的目标是防止发生进一步的创伤。If you recognize any of the above warning signs the goal is to prevent further damage.

Susan在厨房里,头转向电视,观看一个警讯类型的节目。While in the kitchen, Susan turns around and sees a crime stopper style show on television.

SARS是一个警讯,但是我们没有悲观的权利。Although SARS is a troubling development, we have no good cause to look at it pessimistically.

贾斯特说除非进行治疗,否则感染对鸭嘴兽来说,可能是个医疗警讯。Gust says that unless treated, the infection can have severe medical implications for the platypus.

免疫学家也正开发自体抗体做为早期警讯以外的用途。Immunologists are exploring whether autoantibodies can serve as early warnings in other ways as well.

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因为这些改变的警讯,网走市介绍过“流冰信讬”,来降低当地碳排放量。Alarmed by these changes, the city of Abashiri has introduced the 'Drift Ice Trust' to reduce local CO2 emissions.

美国政府主管反毒政策的官员表示,麦可.杰克森之死是对全美有关滥用处方药物的一记警讯。The government's drug czar says that Michael Jackson's death is a wake-up call to the nation about prescription drug abuse.

并非所有分析师都认为美国会重蹈日本的覆辙,但市场已经出现警讯.Not all economists believe the United States will repeat the Japanese experience, but markets have been flashing warning signs.

该消息公布之时恰逢央行在季度报告中发布警讯,央行在报告中认为,中国面临经济衰退的风险正在增加。The news came as the central bank warned, in its quarterly report, that the risks of an economic downturn in China were rising.

这个组织提议,客房服务员应该配有一种紧急按钮,这种电子装置能在麻烦出现时发出警讯。The organization is proposing that room attendants be issued panic buttons, electronic devices that would send an alarm in case of trouble.

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任何程式一更动登錄执行键值企图将自己设定为开机启动程式,启动监视器便立即察觉发出警讯通知。The startup monitor will issue a warning dialog to user immediately when a registry run key is changed by some program to make itself auto-start.

DTRA的研究强调,高空核爆造成的危险是显示一个国家决意战斗的警讯,也是吓阻攻击的手段。The DTRA study emphasized the hazards arising from a HANE as a warning shot to display a nation's resolve to fight and as a deterrent against attack.

对于所有与健康照护交互感染相关的非预期性死亡或造成永久性身体功能丧失的个案,皆应列入警讯事件妥善管理。Manage as sentinel events all identified cases of unanticipated death or major permanent loss of function associated with a health care-associated infection.