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他桥牌打的不错。He plays bridge well.

我们在一起玩桥牌。We played bridge together.

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这个桥牌桌可以折叠起来。This bridge table collapses.

他是个相当出色的桥牌手。He was quite a remarkable player.

他们将组建一个桥牌俱乐部。They will organize a Bridge Club.

现代桥牌称为定约桥牌。Modern bridge known as contract bridge.

她向桥牌搭挡使了个会意的眼色。She cast a sly glance at her bridge partner.

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桥牌的开叫是有一系列规则的。The bidding of bridge has a series of rules.

他们以打桥牌作消遣。They recreate themselves with playing bridge.

复式桥牌赛是最主要的桥牌比赛形式。Duplicate bridge is the mainly of competitive bridge.

每个月的第四个礼拜三是她们的桥牌聚会日。It's bridge club day. Every fourth Wednesday a the month.

我的爱好是玩桥牌、打网球和集邮。My hobbies are playing bridge, tennis and stamp-collection.

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您可以去打打台球、乒兵球、桥牌和保龄球。You can play billiards, table tennis, bridge, and go bowling.

昨天晚上有位朋友不请自到,使得桥牌桌上多了一个人。Last night an uninvited guest turned up to make five for bridge.

昨晚法官和预算员在门房里打过桥牌。The judge played bridge in the lodge with the budgeter last night.

盖茨是一个读书迷,而且很喜欢打高尔夫和桥牌。Gates is an avid reader, and enjoys playing golf, tennis and bridge.

约翰和爱丽斯在同一张桥牌桌上玩真是不可思议。John or Alice at the differerent bridge tcapable is unimaginecapable.

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在桥牌里面,还可能需要对手中的牌进行计分以决胜负。In bridge, we might compute a score for a hand in order to make a bid.

巴菲特回忆说,那场桥牌打得糟糕透顶。The game was "terrible, " Buffett recalls. "Humiliating, " says Osberg.

在盘式桥牌中,用最保险的打法完成定约是正确的。It 's correct to take the safest play for the contract AT rubber bridge.