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卡特是-可爱和暖和专家。Carter's is the expert for cuddly and snuggly.

他问道,而扯淡“竟有点可爱和暖人?" he asked, while bull "is sort of cuddly and warm?

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夏天,和暖的阳光照着,作物长势很好。The grains grew very well in summer with mild sunshine.

气象员说今天大部份时间天睛,气温和暖。The weatherman says it will be mostly sunny and fairly warm.

第二天,一阵和暖的西风将赛琪的姐姐带回了城堡。Next day the Zephyrus brought Psyche's sisters to the castle.

这看来是地区性暖冬和暖春的趋势引起的。The cause seems to be a region-wide trend towards warmer winters and springs.

建议每月清洁护具一次。清洁时,可用和暖的肥皂水抹拭,其后挂起滴乾。Wash gear with warm soapy water at least once a month and hang up to drip dry.

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但是,他们会随着火星上春季和暖季节的到来而重新出现。But they are seen again on the planet during the next spring, or warming season.

他们去年在澳洲度过圣诞新年,因为那儿和暖得多。They spent the holidays in Australia last year because it was much warmer there.

写的就是在春风和暖,阳光明媚的时候登上岳阳楼所看到的景色。Is written in the spring breeze and warm, sunny day on Yueyang Tower to see the scenery.

调查区浮游植物生态类型大多为热带和暖海外洋性种。Most ecological type of phytoplankton in the survey area is tropic or warm oceanic species.

弱的垂直切变和暖洋面的存在也是台风强度维持的原因之一。Weak vertical shear and warm sea surface are other reasons to remain the intensity of typhoon.

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这允许车手在出场圈和暖胎圈中使后轮可以侧滑加热。This allows the driver to spin the rear wheels during the formation lap to warm the rear tyres.

弱的水平风速垂直切变和暖洋面的加热作用,也是台风维持的原因。Weak vertical shear and warm ocean surface were also the reasons to remain the intensity of typhoon.

跑回我的货列那一刻,还有额外十五分钟向阳和暖景致的等待。I ran back to my freight train which had another fifteen minutes to wait in the now warm sunny scene.

西南部的气候冬天和暖适宜,但夏天却酷热难耐。In the southwest, the climate is pleasantly warm during the winter, but the summer is unpleasantly hot.

家是什么?家,是一轮太阳。爸爸妈妈欢乐的笑容,合成一缕缕和暖的阳光。What is home, home, is a round of the sun. Mom and dad happy smile, synthetic strands of warm sunshine.

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科学家警告,二氧化碳和暖化问题持续,这些深海珊瑚可能在50到100年就会消失!But if CO2 emissions continue, the reef could die out within 50 to 100 years. We'll leave you with these images.

美羊羊和懒羊羊找村长,沸羊羊和暖羊羊找地牢的钥匙。Beautiful sheep sheep and lazy sheep sheep find village head, warm boiling sheep sheep sheep sheep find dungeon keys.

所以在沉闷的日子里,让拍摄对象穿些彩色或带条纹的衣服来赋予图像一些视觉关注点和暖调。So on dreary days, ask subjects to wear something colourful or stripy to give the image some visual interest and warmth.