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这个时期是全面的上升和造山运动。The period was one of general emergence and orogeny.

前陆盆地是研究造山运动的关键地区之一。Foreland basins are the key areas for the study of orogeny.

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型花岗岩的发育是造山运动结束的标志。A type granitoids are the indicator of the end of orogenesis.

伴随着造山运动的地壳运动出发了一场广泛的火成活动。The earth movements associated with the orogeny triggered an extensive igneous activity.

第一亚旋回末期的造山运动称为喜山运动。The first, covering the time from late Cretaceous toPaleogene, is called the Himalayan Movement.

会出现突然的造山运动,主要是那些已经在经历着造山运动的地区。Mountain building will occur suddenly, primarily increasing in areas already undergoing mountain building.

大巴山前陆构造是后秦岭造山运动的陆内造山的结果。The foreland of Daba Mountains resulted from the intracontinental orogeny of the Qingling orogenetic movements.

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然后一个板块潜到下面,在上面的那个板块的边缘起皱了,在此起皱的时候就有了造山运动。Then one dives under and the very edge of the plate riding on top is rumpled, mountains building by this rumpling.

极移期间我应该和阿尔卑斯山脉的边缘保持至少多少的距离以避开那里的造山运动?What is the minimum distance which I must keep from the rim of the Alps to avoid mountain building during the shift?

你们可否透露点更多的细节,说说锯齿山脉的哪一部分最安全,不受造山运动影响呢?Is there any way you can be a little bit more specific on what part of the Sierra would be the safest from mountain building?

该区经历了多期造山运动和岩浆热事件,遭受了多期的抬升、走滑和变形作用。The area has undergone multi-phased tectonic events including deformation, magmatism, tectonic uplift and strike-slip movement.

基底与盖层之间的高角度不整合界面,系武陵造山运动的记录。武陵运动与华北地台的吕梁运动相当。The unconformity between the basement and the cover is the record of Wuling orogeny equal to Luliang orogeny of Huabei platform.

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造山运动始于7000万年前,随着印度板块和欧亚大陆板块的不断碰撞,喜马拉雅山脉还在被抬升。The Himalayas are still being uplifted by the collision of India with the Eurasian plate, which began about 70 million years ago.

一万年的冰河期、百万年的造山运动、千年床岩在地层底部相互挤压。A million years of mountain-building there. Tectonic plates grinding against each other deep under the earth's skin over the millennia.

齐塔人说阿尔卑斯山脉上几乎没有造山运动,尽管他们说在极移期间阿尔卑斯山脉会剧烈的颠簸。The Zetas said there will hardly be mountain building in the Alps, however they talk about a "rough ride" in the Alps during the shift.

班公湖-怒江带以北,表现为强烈的造山运动,形成规模巨大的印支造山带。The movement performs in the form of strong orogeny north of Bangonghu-Nujiang suture, which leads to large-scale Indosinian orogenic belt.

造山运动发展阶段性主要表现为主逆冲断裂带的转换和变形速率的变化。The stage-by-stage development of orogeny is mainly marked by the transformation of the main thrust zone and change of the deformation rate.

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加里东造山运动的地壳运动至少对密集褶皱与绿色片岩相变质起到了部分作用。Earth movements of the Caledonian orogeny might have been at least partly responsible for intense folding and greenschist-facies metamorphism.

印支期地壳以南北向挤压作用为主,是一次强烈褶皱造山运动,并伴随有强烈的岩浆活动。Indosinian movement was a strong pressed folding orogenic movement in company with magma activity, which was dominated by N-S direction compression.

地球透过板块构造、造山运动和大陆冰川作用等过程,逐渐形成现在的形态和自然特徵。The earth gradually assumed its present configuration and physical features through such processes as plate tectonics, mountain building , and glaciation.