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我已经叫御医来了。I have called for a healer.

叫我连御医也带来了,我们去给他看病吧。He asked us to bring the doctor here, to check his sickness.

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又逢皇后腹胀疼痛,御医无术。Has stimulated the Queen bloating pain, physician without surgery.

国王的儿子能开口说话了,姑娘被任命为宫廷御医。The kings son was well, and they named the maiden physician to the court.

皇帝从床上跳下来,派人去请御医来,但他们又能派上什幺用场?The emperor jumped out of bed and sent for his private doctors, but what good could they do?

御医来看她,为她量体温、测脉搏,还要她伸出舌头做检查。The royal doctor came to see her. He took her temperature and pulse, checked out her tongue.

有一天那些高明的御医说老皇帝大概看不到第二天的日出了。One day the wise doctors said that the old emperor probably would never see the sun rise again.

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约翰·斯诺是伦敦的一个名医——他是如此的权威以至于当了维多利亚女王的御医。John snow was a famous doctoc in London-so expert, indeed, that he attended Queen Victoria as personal.

正巧就在这个时候,国王的女儿病得很严重,王宫内的御医们都无法治愈她。Now it happened that just at this time the king's daughter was very ill and none of the court doctors could cure her.

他从来不洗澡,除非御医强迫他洗。有人猜测路易十四可能是有卫生恐惧症,反正终其一生,这位国王也就洗过三次澡。Possibly hydrophobic, he refused to bathe unless his doctors forced him to and took two, possibly three, baths his entire life.

皇后对玉贞竟不要御医,并指定让南医官替世子诊治感到不解,于是派人暗中调查。Meanwhile, the queen feels suspicious as Yuzhen forbids the royal physician to treat the Crown Prince. She decides to investigate the matter secretly.

我们无法预测,苏联会否因1952年杜撰的“犹太御医阴谋”而流放境内犹太民族。We'll never know whether the concocted conspiracy of Jewish Kremlin doctors in 1952 would have resulted in the internal exile of the entire Jewish population.

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据外媒报道,两名来自埃及的沙特御医使用吗啡为沙特公主止痛,导致公主染上毒瘾。Two Egyptian doctors serving the Saudi royal family were convicted for prescribing morphine to a Saudi princess that led to her drug addiction, foreign media reported recently.

十六世纪中期,伊丽莎白一世女王不幸染上皮肤顽疾,宫廷御医百般调治不见好转只好把目光转向民间。In the middle of 16th century, Queen Elizabeth I suffered from stubborn skin disease unfortunately, and had to transfer to the folk without effect after dedicated treatment of royal doctors.