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我有些坐立不安。I felt a little fidgeted.

简直让我坐立不安!She gives me the fidgets!

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她坐立不安,甚至心乱如麻。She was restless and even agitated.

班纳特太太听到这消息,简直坐立不安。Mrs. Bennet was quite in the fidgets.

“他总是坐立不安,”惠特曼回忆。"He keeps fidgeting, " recalls Wittman.

每天上午,贝基.齐格尔都会感到十分焦虑、坐立不安。Every morning, Becky Ziegel gets anxious.

看到汤姆的到来,他开始坐立不安起来。He began to hotch when seeing Tom's coming.

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坐立不安或者感觉紧张或疲惫Restlessness or feeling keyed up or exhausted

不要坐立不安,语气嘲讽或自嘲。Don't fidget, be sarcastic or self-deprecating.

或者你可以把这作为坐立不安的一个理由。Or you could take all this as a license to fidget.

夜晚来临时,凯辛的太太变得坐立不安。When night came, Cassim's wife became very uneasy.

戏未演完,叔父坐立不安,仓皇退席。Play not finish, uncle fidgeting, cut exclusionary.

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他越来越坐立不安,在椅子里,来来回回晃动着身体。He grew panicked, rocking back and forth in his chair.

杜洛埃坐立不安了,赫斯渥却一点不动声色。Drouet fidgeted. Hurstwood moved his toe the least bit.

从他们的肢体语言可以看出他们有点坐立不安。From their body language you can tell they're fidgeting,

他开始坐立不安,在座位上动来动去,很不舒服的样子。He began fidgeting and moving uncomfortably in his seat.

她肯定很紧张,一直都坐立不安。She must be very nervous, she fusses about all the time.

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幽居病是由于身处受限区域而产生的坐立不安。Cabin fever is restlessness from being in a confined area.

昨天一整天我老想着这事,坐立不安。I was on tenterhooks all day yesterday thinking about them.

咖啡难喝极了,我在座位上坐立不安。The coffee tasted terrible and I kept fidgeting in my seat.